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Mouse double click, I only want one click, stupid \)*&(*^ thing doing my head in!


The Eccentric Englishman
Gaaahhh! Its so annoying, I've been yelling at my mouse all evening.

I press the mouse button once, and it double clicks! I cant highlight anything, as it just deselects it as soon as I let go of the button. Everytime i click on a link 2 new windows appear.

Its so outragously annoying, I have no idea what it up with it, just randomly started happining

Help, its doing my head in! :mad: :mad: (see, I clicked the smiley button once then! :mad: :mad: Gaaahhhhhhh!)

Edit, glad this forum has a thing to stop you double posting, or thered be 2 threads
Gaaahhh! Its so annoying, I've been yelling at my mouse all evening.

I press the mouse button once, and it double clicks! I cant highlight anything, as it just deselects it as soon as I let go of the button. Everytime i click on a link 2 new windows appear.

Its so outragously annoying, I have no idea what it up with it, just randomly started happining

Help, its doing my head in! :mad: :mad: (see, I clicked the smiley button once then! :mad: :mad: Gaaahhhhhhh!)

Edit, glad this forum has a thing to stop you double posting, or thered be 2 threads
Gaaahhh! Its so annoying, I've been yelling at my mouse all evening.

I press the mouse button once, and it double clicks! I cant highlight anything, as it just deselects it as soon as I let go of the button. Everytime i click on a link 2 new windows appear.

Its so outragously annoying, I have no idea what it up with it, just randomly started happining

Help, its doing my head in! :mad: :mad: (see, I clicked the smiley button once then! :mad: :mad: Gaaahhhhhhh!)

Edit, glad this forum has a thing to stop you double posting, or thered be 2 threads
Re: Mouse double click, I only want one click, stupid \)*&(*^ thing doing my head in!

Uh, hate to tell you this, but I guess it didn't stop you from double posting errr.... 16 posting.:yankchain: :pat: :yum: :burp:
Re: Mouse double click, I only want one click, stupid \)*&(*^ thing doing my head in!

If your running windows go to your control panel and click on 'mouse'. There you can set the timing of the mouse clicks.
Re: Mouse double click, I only want one click, stupid \)*&(*^ thing doing my head in!

Doc........ I believe that I have figured out the problem with Mith. I have been thinking about this all afternoon. I believe that he is a stutterer and that while his mind is in overdrive trying to get the words out faster than his little fingers can work, then they go into spasms flying all over the keyboard. If this keeps up, I think that we might have to duct tape one hand behind his back.....:my2cents:

I can't believe that he has posted the same message 16 times!!!!!
Re: Mouse double click, I only want one click, stupid \)*&(*^ thing doing my head in!

I PMed Bob right after I saw that it had posted a couple extra (15 :o) to sort it out, at that point I was scared to use my mouse atall to try and fix it. bob probably got about 20 dupe PMs :yum:
I see there are still a couple left anyway :D

Well, its all working OK today. Hopefully the hair that I tore out will grow back soon ;)
Re: Mouse double click, I only want one click, stupid \)*&(*^ thing doing my head in!

What happened to all the rest of the posts???? Have you figured out what was wrong with your computer??? Why didn't you ask me for assistance?? I am certain that I could have helped you with the problem..... Junk....
Re: Mouse double click, I only want one click, stupid \)*&(*^ thing doing my head in!

Some kind fellow removed about 12 of my posts so there are now only 3 dupes :yum: Next time I will be sure to ask for your assistance with these type of matters Junk. :D I usually just dump my troubles on the mod that is online at the time. (Hard luck Bob, guess thats your punishemnt for always being online :yum: )

No idea what was wrong with the stupid computer, but it seems to work fine now. The server cooked itself on the same night as I was having the trouble with the mouse, so no idea if they were connected in any way.
I did learn one thing however, yelling doesnt fix computer related problems, it just makes you more pissed off ;)