I m having a little trouble with the ype here.
First, GenMod crops do not have a "proven" effecton Hman health. Not even a causual one.
Second, i was unaware of the fire hazard of GEnMod Plants. Is there some evidence of that?
“In this hidden backroom deal, Senator Mikulski turned her back on the consumer, environmental, and fire protection in favor of corporate welfare for biotech companies such as Monsanto. This abuse of power is not the kind of leadership the public has come to expect from Senator Mikulski or the Democratic Majority in the Senate.”
Senator Blunt is from Missouri. It should be of no surprise he accepted large contributins from a St Louis based Corporation. WOW!
All the hype needs some facts behind it.
GenMod and Selective hybridizing have met with resistance for hundreds of years. When John Stark put Apricot and Almond tree shoots on Plum root systems, (So they would grow well in different soils and climates), it was called the Devil's work.
Luther Burbank did the Devils work as he improved the potatoe to the hugely cultivated and eaten crop of today. But not before great resistance from the "crazies" of his time.
The other day I saw a special on why the New Wheat makes us Obese. It supposedly was the result of selective breeding, not GenMod plants, that was done back in the 1800's to improve per acre yields and allow more nothern cultivations. A great acheivement back then heralded as a miracile! Today, since we messed with nature, we are now being scolded for creating our own cause of obesity.
There are issues with modern agriculture. For example, fructose is not a natural sugar. Unlike Cane and Beet sugars, it must be
chemicaly converted from corn. Where is the farmer's outrage on that?
Monsanto led the charge on Gen Mods. They succeeded. Most of the Hype comes from competitors and farmers who don't want to buy expensive seed even though it improves yeilds. Monsanto's competitors are trying to level the field using politics and fear.
Seems no one wants to commend Monsanto for success. I remember when success got you praised? Now, it lands you in court,,,,
,unless you make good friends in Congress