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Minnesota calls closing schools Monday on Friday

MNoutdoors RIP

Gone But Not Forgotten
GOLD Site Supporter
Because of the incoming weather predicted for Sunday and Monday
The state has called closing all schools on Monday tempatures are predicted
-60 with the wind chill and daytime actual temps to be -20 without the wind
Actual predicted night temp of -37

At this temp frostbite can happen in 5 minutes :sad:


Well-known member
SUPER Site Supporter
Yikes !! BBBRRRRrrrr !

But I think I'd rather have a really cold day than a day of rain then right back into the freezer. It's just less messy.


Mr. Congeniality
GOLD Site Supporter
DAMN! We're supposed to get a touch of that down here in Cleveland as well. Oh, well, it IS Winter after all.

MNoutdoors RIP

Gone But Not Forgotten
GOLD Site Supporter
They say with what we have had and what's to come the longest stretch of sub zero in twenty years after today it will not be above zero till next Thursday. I guess we're lucky to have received about a foot of snow some time back or many sewer systems would be in jeopardy of freezing

Glad we are locked in on propane pricing with five units here running on propane
One on pellets and one on wood :biggrin:

300 H and H

Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
Here in Iowa we have little snow cover, and dry soil conditions before freeze up. I have been wondering when water pipes are going to freeze in the ground here. I hope I am wrong...

We have some school closings Monday as well as 2 hour late starts.

Happieness is having all your propane contracted for $1.35!! I hear it is $1.97 off the truck now...

Regards, Kirk


Well-known member
SUPER Site Supporter
Kirk, send a truck !!! It's $4 here.

The winter of 1989/90 we lived on a boat in Maine. It didn't get above 10 for 40 days. Coldest stretch in 50 years.
Very happy not to live on a boat this year :smile:


New member
Happiness is not using propane at all to heat your house.

Un-Happiness is having to get out of bed every 2-3 hrs. to stoke the damn woodstove!


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
Sunday night/Monday morning's low is projected to be -17F actual temp, not sure what the wind chills will be.

Our school district is the 2nd largest geographic district in the state, but one of the lower population districts. Some kids have to ride 2 buses to get to some schools and may be on a bus for over an hour if they have a bus transfer. Our district gets 2 hour delays for "blowing and drifting" and we have that now because we have plenty of snow on the ground and its all fine sugar snow.

I think if the absolute temperature is -5F or if the wind chill is -20F then they take the day off. But it will be -17 so it pretty much a done deal there will be no school on Monday.

Oh, and happiness is natural gas to heat your house with a direct feed from the utility. No stoking a fire, no waiting for a truck, etc. We got lucky, we are on one of the few roads in the area to have N.G.