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Melon scratcher


The Eccentric Englishman
SUPER Site Supporter
Ok, scinetific question here.
Are mountain goats physically different to normal goats or is it just that they live on mountains?
If they have physical differences if you put a mountain goat on a flat peice of ground would it lean and only be able to walk around in circles?
If you put a normal goat on a mountain for long enough would it become a mountain goat?

Also on the subject, if you squashed a normal goat would it become a pygme goat, or would you have to change its genetics?

So whats the best type in your opinion, mountain or normal (you are also allowed variations of them, eg. Hill goat)?

I posted this on TBN but only got 1 reply which was totally unrelated and I had to continue the converstaion with Snowridge about beer via PM.
I look forward to some scientific answers, or do I have to experiment? :D
Thanks, and goodnight :)


Extra Super Moderator
Invite Snowridge over here and you can continue the beer discussion in one of the forums with lots of others giving their opinions. ;)


The Eccentric Englishman
SUPER Site Supporter
I PMed Snowridge :D
Then let the beer discussions begin!


Active member
If I might join in while I have a moment (noone looking over my shoulder right now). To add to your list of ponderances, if a mountain goat falls on the mountain and there is no one (including another goat) around, does it make a sound? Are mountain goats hornier (i.e. have bigger horns) than other kinds of goats (I believe they do)? Why would that be? Finally, why is it that the males of most species (big horn sheep, for example) battle for the female rather than the other way around?



Ok, scinetific question here.
Are mountain goats physically different to normal goats or is it just that they live on mountains?
If they have physical differences if you put a mountain goat on a flat peice of ground would it lean and only be able to walk around in circles?

Now Mith, what a dumb question to ask,.. Everyone knows that the mountain people from West By God Virginia have one short leg and one normal length leg. This is how they traverse them high hills up and down.. Mountain goats are the same.:D


New member
Yep, and the short leg is the right leg. When they go around the mountain from right to left, they have no problems. But, when they go from left to right, they fall over and tumble down the mountain.