I spent 5 hours yesterday hiking 3.5 miles through 4 ft of snow to get our ST4 running again after it sat for a year at our cabin in the mountains of southern Oregon. I had removed the carb and brought it home for rebuilding 3 weeks ago. Then my daughter's Mog lost its brakes on the way in on Thursday with supplies. I got to her house just before dark last night, spent this morning getting the Snow trac running. She and I started up the road at noon to take me out to where my wife had spent the night in our car. We had gotten about an eighth of a mile when the right track broke in two. Anybody got a quick repair, short of replacing both belts? Needless to say, I ended up hiking back out so I could return the rented snowshoes and not have to pay the $200 deposit. Turns out I really did not need the snowshoes because there was enough crust to walk on. I just hope I can hike back in on Thursday. Wish me luck. Thanks for listening. Darrell