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Has anyone ever had any experience with Mattracks for a vehicle or ATV? Or know someone that has used them.
Do they work? Or are they junk?
What I do know about them is that they are expensive.
Most everything I've heard about them is that they're a good product and work as advertised.

The only negatives I've heard are:
Speed reduction

Here's a link to another forum where the member put some on his RTV. There's another guy that has them but on that forum, the threads drop off after a year so I can't link to it.
Joan (Pixie) has tracks on one or two of her ATVs and seems very happy with them. I don't know what brand she has, but I'm pretty sure they are not Mattracks. She has posted photos of her ATVs with tracks and written about it here on the ForumsForums. You may want to do a search to see if you can find some of her posts about them. I know she has made several posts and posted a few photos.

You may also want to check out this thread.
20 Companies tried to develope something along this line... with little or no success. Finally this outfit got one of the major tire and rubber companies like Goodyear or Firestone to make a track that would hold up. We did a lot of the testing up here at Prudhoe. We just kept rejecting the belts as they either detracked or broke. When they finally came up with the winning combination we tried pretty hard to find fault with them. But they worked. The only way you could get them to detrack was to rock them back and forth while trying to turn the wheel (steer) at the same time, and then only the front would come off. And they didn't break! We have lots of vehicles with them. At Yellowstone Park both the Park Service and several of the Tour Companies are using them with great success. They do work.
I know where their is a set of older used mattracks that poss are still for sale. I thought about buying them before I bought the snowcat. They are the 3/4ton models w/adapters to mount them on jeep 5 bolt pattern. He currently has them on a jeep Cherokee (small one) and he will only sell them as a set. He was asking around 10k for them last winter.:smileywac If I get a chance this week I will drive over and get pics.:tiphat:
To me trucks with Mattracks look kinda like a Tucker with less than half the track footprint, more than twice the weight, almost no ground clearance, and an absence of steel cleats. I suppose they have their place though.
There are two 4 wheel drive vans with Mattracks in use on Mt. Washington. They also have 2 or three big snowcats.


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