• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/

Massive Protests Shake Wall Street As Market Crumbles


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
I was sent this link and a snippet from this interesting article from City Girl and it is news to me, I hadn't heard anything about it from any media sorce or heard anyone here make mention of it . It seems like a big deal to me after reading it and I wonder why more dont seem to know about it as its been going on for almost a week now. :unsure:

Any thoughts ?

September 22, 2011 admin
By Jeff Smith -
In what may be a new type of protest, a large group of demonstrators descended last week on New York City’s Wall Street financial to protest the New York financial sector, International Bankers and the Federal Reserve’s questionable influences on the U.S. economy and on national political life.
The protest which sharply departed from traditional political and social movements of the past, is without a central leadership and apparently assembled after an on line call following an article in a media magazine.
The “Occupy Wall Street’ rally, the largest demonstration on the economy in years, brought together an ultra wide range of activists to a park just south of the original WTC 9-11 site. Traditional peace and left leaning groups found themselves joined by economic conservative elements and a diverse sample of political views from across the political spectrum. While originally focused on the U.S. financial condition. The demonstration almost immediately refocused to the activities of international banks, Non- Governmental organizations and the Federal Reserve. Old left protestors found themselves next to Ron Paul supporters and constitutionalists strongly questioning the activities of the largest banks and internationalists influences on Washington and world conditions.
Organized on the net largely without a traditional single central organization, the protestors found a major downside of net organizing in that an equally diverse group government agencies monitor the web for just this kind of activity. When protestors arrived in the Wall Street area they found the entire center of the financial district surrounded by police barriers and hundreds of police. Reforming near the battery the southernmost part of Manhattan, the protestors marched up Broadway to a park just south of the original WTC buildings the site of the 911 disaster on Liberty Street.
While originally without central leadership, a group of activists promptly formed a familiar leftist structure, a U.N. style general assembly, and broke into committees on various concerns. It was also highly noticeable the nature of the ‘leaders’ of the committees who carefully directed the conversations shaping decisions.
But outside of the organized committees a surprising range of activities abounded. Economic Conservatives and constitutionalists, some of whom are tea party veterans, made their arguments both in written form and verbally for objectives like an audit or dissolution of the Federal Reserve and sound money. Many individual activists appearing for apparently highly valid causes distributed literature and spoke to smaller audiences.
Michelle Moore (www.ReportingWrongdoing.com) spoke on coporate corruption and it’s serious role the national condition. The Aaron Burr Society (www.aaronburrsociety.org) Progressive Libertarians distributed literature for nationalizing the fed and pointed to major banks usurping the nation’s wealth. Well known Attorney Carl Person (www.carlpierson.org) who created major waves attempting to reopen the 911 investigation via the NY State ballot was present speaking on he and his supporter’s program to create jobs by making the first three employees hired by any employer free of regulation, operating at private contractors. Many of those present concurred that such a move would cause a sizable surge in the almost moribund job market.
In a surprise move, controversial comedian Roseanne Barr came to the site and delivered a major speech which clearly crossed ideological lines. Attracting a sizable crowd, Ms Barr shouted into a microphone for a combination of the best of capitalism and socialism “which rewards hard work and ambition but also cares for the weakest child”. “We need people-ism!” she added.
“They call me a femi-Nazi for saying this” Barr said.
Many of the genuine patriots in the crowd upon hearing the remarks noted, quietly, that just such a system of finance and government is in fact available and fully ready for re-installation at any moment…the system she described having received successful testing a few of decades ago.
Barr called for all activists to move away from left-right political labels and constraints. She admonished those listening to “crack the mind control program” an apparent reference to the Left-Right political system and “not cling blindly to a single unyielding ideology”
Many observers in the crowd noted that the severity of the present national condition appeared to have caused a new, general recognition of the power of international banking and its unelected non governmental organizations in shaping national policy and procedures in many cases fully outside of government. A realization once strictly confined to the best parts of the patriot movement. This realize-
tion is being coupled with a generalized feeling in many political and social activist circles that the national debt, increasing international adventures and unemployment is out of control and fast getting worse. The occupy Wall Street demonstrations, most observers say, is, more than anything else, a direct outgrowth of this process. This has also caused a broad based willingness to cooperate across traditional political and to an extent social lines.
But while many of the demonstrators said they were trying to cause a change along the lines of the Arab spring revolutions where large numbers of people occupied central squares, older more experienced and knowledgeable patriots at the scene noted that the Arab spring uprisings were a direct product of the American foreign policy establishment…and the British. French help was involved in the case of Libya. The level of general discomfort and desperation usually involved in serious political power change is also not present at this moment many observers said.
Still, many of those involved said that a small group of activists, or a single person, can have a huge effect under some circumstances. Many noted that a small group of computer experts destroyed some of the world’s most powerful men’s prime objectives, climate legislation, at Copenhagen.
In a conclusion of remarks, which sounded like it was taken directly from a leading patriotic publication of the 1970’s. Roseanne Barr urged activists of all stripes not to stop their efforts to correct governmenttal and financial criminal behavior because “they won’t stop” an apparent reference to the financial/government elite, “until there are labor camps…and then they’ll get all your labor free”
The Occupy Wall Street activists say they will remain at the site and cause daily demonstrations for the foreseeable future.


GOLD Site Supporter
If Roseanne Barr was a Key speaker , it's well worth putting on ignore .:whistling:


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
If Roseanne Barr was a Key speaker , it's well worth putting on ignore .:whistling:
Is that all you really got out of the article Nixon and what it means? :unsure:

Personally I dont give a damn who speaks out for so many people that are afraid to if it gets noticed and the point is being taken seriously. But I think it says she was a surprise speaker and she had very little to do with this demonstration as far as I can tell . :wink:


GOLD Site Supporter
Is that all you really got out of the article Nixon and what it means? :unsure:

Personally I dont give a damn who speaks out for so many people that are afraid to if it gets noticed and the point is being taken seriously. But I think it says she was a surprise speaker and she had very little to do with this demonstration as far as I can tell . :wink:

Maybe they"d be better off going to the source of the problem ...... The enablers in DC ,not just the politicians ,but also the alphabet of bureaucracies as well (SEC HUD BATF IRS EPA, etc... ) . In short, they are protesting the symptoms , not the disease . JMHO .


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
Maybe they"d be better off going to the source of the problem ...... The enablers in DC ,not just the politicians ,but also the alphabet of bureaucracies as well (SEC HUD BATF IRS EPA, etc... ) . In short, they are protesting the symptoms , not the disease . JMHO .
You may be right Nixon, but it seems to me it beats just sitting at home bitching about it like many others do including myself .

Heres there website that has more information and videos about whats going on as well as a live stream . Thanks City Girl fot the live feed . :smile:


At Sotheby's, Finally, the 99 Percent Were the Highest Bidder

Published 2011-09-23 08:11:39 UTC by OccupyWallSt
At 10 a.m. yesterday morning, activists involved in #OCCUPYWALLSTREET paid a visit to a Sotheby's art auction. Last year Sotheby's made record profits, enough so that their CEO Bill Rupprecht awarded himself a 125 percent raise. At the same time the company decided to use union-busting tactics, demanding over 100 concessions to the IBT 814 Art Handlers Union Contract. With their unionized workforce currently on lockout, Sotheby's continues to operate using scabs and a non-union subcontractor and wants all new hires to have no collective bargaining rights, no health benefits and no job security.
Today's auction was held on the seventh floor of Sotheby's Upper East Side auction house—a sterile atmosphere, ripe with the stench of expensive perfume. The activists staggered their entrances and planted themselves in the crowd of businessmen and women, all gathered to witness the sale of artwork, with prices ranging from the average salary of a working American to the average cost of an American home. The first of the activists took the room by surprise, disrupting the auction and announcing that “Sotheby's made $680 million dollars last year but then they kicked their art handlers out on the street!”
While making a call for security, the auctioneer read a prepared statement kept on her podium for just this sort of demonstration. “Thank you for your patience, ladies and gentlemen,” she said, “I hope that is the last interruption we have today.”
However, nine surprise demonstrations disrupted the two-hour auction. One protestor shouted “This is disgusting! Art is about truth.” Another, in sunglasses and a "Greed Kills" T-shirt attested that the “greed in this building is a direct example of the corporate greed that has ruined our economy.” The #OCCUPYWALLSTREET activists were there to show solidarity with the art handlers in their struggle for worker's rights and to warn of a coming increase in direct protests against the top 1 percent of New York City's economic food chain.
“In addition to auctioning off these fine pieces of artwork,” said Mary Clinton, one of the demonstrators, “today Sotheby's is auctioning off the American dream.”
All nine were escorted from the premise by security, shouting, “End the lockout!” and “Occupy Wall Street!” Sotheby's auctions epitomize the disconnect between the extremely wealthy and the rest of us. These are the same financial elite who were bailed out in their moment of need and who now refuse to pay their fair share in taxes.

Live feed . http://www.livestream.com/globalrevolution




GOLD Site Supporter
You may be right Nixon, but it seems to me it beats just sitting at home bitching about it like many others do including myself .
Well then ,right now I'll sit at home and bitch . I refuse to be included with the likes of RB . The power for change only comes through ballots ,or bullets .
I prefer the former option .
The 2012 election will become the war on error :)


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
Another interesting article and a couple of vids . Seems its not all liberals now making their voices heard . But I doubt many will take the time to look. :ermm:

Credit go's to City Girl for the article and vids.

← AFL-CIO Chief Backs Wall Street Protest
Wall Street Protest Starting to Look Like Egypt →

Wall Street Protest: Time for Conservative Endorsements

Posted on September 30, 2011 by WashingtonsBlog

Big Liberal Endorsements for Wall Street Protest

Given that numerous unions (and see this) and progressive luminaries like Cornell West, Michael Moore, Bernie Sanders and Russel Simmons are joining the Wall Street protest, this may be painted by some as a “left-wing movement”.
Conservatives Support Protests

Of course, United Airlines pilots are not a particularly liberal group, but they joined in.
Indeed, conservatives such as [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyWrjvN3hvA&feature=player_embedded&noredirect=1"]Dylan Ratigan[/ame], Karl Denninger, and supporters of Ron Paul have also joined in to the protests.
The Divide-And-Conquer Technique Is Failing

I’ve repeatedly warned that there is a scripted, psuedo-war between Dems and Repubs, liberals and conservatives which is in reality a false divide-and-conquer dog-and-pony show created by the powers that be to keep the American people divided and distracted. See this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this and this. (In fact, the Founding Fathers warned us about the threat from a two party system.)
The Tea Party was quickly co-opted by the Republican Party:

Remember that one of the founders of the Tea Party – Karl Denninger – has [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XdhI6bwyL4&feature=player_embedded"]slammed[/ame] the current Tea Party (which was quickly co-opted by the mainstream GOP) for serving the rich and the Republican party instead of fighting against the giant banks, and is calling for non-partisan, Gandhi-style nonviolent resistance to take on the banskters.​

Don’t let the Wall Street protests get hijacked by the mainstream Democratic Party.
Time for Big Conservative Endorsements

This is not a liberal or a conservative cause … it is both.
It is time for some big conservative endorsements, to rally around the non-partisan issues important to all Americans.
The Tea Party should endorse the protests, but so should the Oath Keepers, taxpayer rights groups, conservative Christians, limited government groups, and all other conservative groups.
A sign from the Wall Street protest shows that the people on the ground get it:


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GOLD Site Supporter
Interesting donation to NYPD. :unsure:

New York City Police Foundation — New York

JPMorgan Chase recently donated an unprecedented $4.6 million to the New York City Police Foundation. The gift was the largest in the history of the foundation and will enable the New York City Police Department to strengthen security in the Big Apple. The money will pay for 1,000 new patrol car laptops, as well as security monitoring software in the NYPD's main data center.
New York City Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly sent CEO and Chairman Jamie Dimon a note expressing "profound gratitude" for the company's donation.
"These officers put their lives on the line every day to keep us safe," Dimon said. "We're incredibly proud to help them build this program and let them know how much we value their hard work."



Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
Another interesting article about the "supposed demands list" Fox news reported. Once again never let the facts get in the way of a good story. You have to scroll down for the "REAL demands" list. :whistling:

Corporate Media Reports Some Bull**** List As The Demands Of #OccupyWallStreet Then Attacks Them

The corporate media proves once again why they can’t be trusted, this time putting out a bullshit list of supposed “Official Demands” then attacking the fake demands as being Marxist.

Fox News reports some bullshit list as the demands of Occupy Wall Street, distorting a Washington Times article as their source.
Read Demands of ‘Occupy Wall Street‘ … and Try Not to Laugh

By Kerry Picket, Washington Times
The “Occupy Wall Street” protesters have listed 13 proposed demands from their website.
Demand one: Restoration of the living wage. This demand can only be met by ending “Freetrade” by re-imposing trade tariffs on all imported goods entering the American market to level the playing field for domestic family farming and domestic manufacturing as most nations that are dumping cheap products onto the American market have radical wage and environmental regulation advantages. Another policy that must be instituted is raise the minimum wage to twenty dollars an hr.
Demand two: Institute a universal single payer healthcare system. To do this all private insurers must be banned from the healthcare market as their only effect on the health of patients is to take money away from doctors, nurses and hospitals preventing them from doing their jobs and hand that money to wall st. investors.
Demand three: Guaranteed living wage income regardless of employment.
Demand four: Free college education.
Demand five: Begin a fast track process to bring the fossil fuel economy to an end while at the same bringing the alternative energy economy up to energy demand.
Demand six: One trillion dollars in infrastructure (Water, Sewer, Rail, Roads and Bridges and Electrical Grid) spending now.
Demand seven: One trillion dollars in ecological restoration planting forests, reestablishing wetlands and the natural flow of river systems and decommissioning of all of America’s nuclear power plants.
Demand eight: Racial and gender equal rights amendment.
Demand nine: Open borders migration. anyone can travel anywhere to work and live.
Demand ten: Bring American elections up to international standards of a paper ballot precinct counted and recounted in front of an independent and party observers system.
Demand eleven: Immediate across the board debt forgiveness for all. Debt forgiveness of sovereign debt, commercial loans, home mortgages, home equity loans, credit card debt, student loans and personal loans now! All debt must be stricken from the “Books.” World Bank Loans to all Nations, Bank to Bank Debt and all Bonds and Margin Call Debt in the stock market including all Derivatives or Credit Default Swaps, all 65 trillion dollars of them must also be stricken from the “Books.” And I don’t mean debt that is in default, I mean all debt on the entire planet period.
Demand twelve: Outlaw all credit reporting agencies.
Demand thirteen: Allow all workers to sign a ballot at any time during a union organizing campaign or at any time that represents their yeah or nay to having a union represent them in collective bargaining or to form a union.

Read more at washingtontimes.com

However, even the The Washington Times article itself goes attacks the bullshit list which, unlike Fox News, they admit are demands posted posted by random OWS support in an online forum. That still doesn’t stop the Washington Times for attacking this users post as “Marxist” and implying these “Marxist” demands are the demands of the protestors.
PICKET: Occupy Wall Street protesters post manifesto of ‘demands’

**Update-Post #1 was a proposed list from an OWS supporter in their forum. Below is a working proposed list of demands by Occupy Wall Street (OWS):
Below is a list of proposed “DEMANDS FOR CONGRESS”:
“The Sovereign People’s Movement, represented nationally through the people occupying the various Liberty Square locations across this great country, have laid out and democratically submitted and are currently voting on the list of following Demands to then be distilled into one Unified Common demand of the people.”
“Participate in Democracy and Vote Here to Have Your Voice Heard”
LIST OF PROPOSED “DEMANDS FOR CONGRESS”CONGRESS PASS HR 1489 (“RETURN TO PRUDENT BANKING ACT” www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=h112-1489 ). THIS REINSTATES MANY PROVISIONS OF THE GLASS-STEAGALL ACT. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glass–Steagall_Act — Wiki entry summary: The repeal of provisions of the Glass–Steagall Act of 1933 by the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act in 1999 effectively removed the separation that previously existed between investment banking which issued securities and commercial banks which accepted deposits. The deregulation also removed conflict of interest prohibitions between investment bankers serving as officers of commercial banks. Most economists believe this repeal directly contributed to the severity of the Financial crisis of 2007–2011 by allowing Wall Street investment banking firms to gamble with their depositors’ money that was held in commercial banks owned or created by the investment firms. Here’s detail on repeal in 1999 and how it happened: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glass–Steagall_Act#Repeal . Vote Here #1
USE CONGRESSIONAL AUTHORITY AND OVERSIGHT TO ENSURE APPROPRIATE FEDERAL AGENCIES FULLY INVESTIGATE AND PROSECUTE THE WALL STREET CRIMINALS who clearly broke the law and helped cause the 2008 financial crisis in the following notable cases: (insert list of the most clear cut criminal actions). There is a pretty broad consensus that there is a clear group of people who got away with millions / billions illegally and haven’t been brought to justice. Boy would this be long overdue and cathartic for millions of Americans. It would also be a shot across the bow for the financial industry. If you watch the solidly researched and awared winning documentary film “Inside Job” that was narrated by Matt Damon (pretty brave Matt!) and do other research, it wouldn’t take long to develop the list. Vote Here #2
CONGRESS ENACT LEGISLATION TO PROTECT OUR DEMOCRACY BY REVERSING THE EFFECTS OF THE CITIZENS UNITED SUPREME COURT DECISION which essentially said corporations can spend as much as they want on elections. The result is that corporations can pretty much buy elections. Corporations should be highly limited in ability to contribute to political campaigns no matter what the election and no matter what the form of media. This legislation should also RE-ESTABLISH THE PUBLIC AIRWAVES IN THE U.S. SO THAT POLITICAL CANDIDATES ARE GIVEN EQUAL TIME FOR FREE AT REASONABLE INTERVALS IN DAILY PROGRAMMING DURING CAMPAIGN SEASON. The same should extend to other media. Vote Here #3
CONGRESS PASS THE BUFFETT RULE ON FAIR TAXATION SO THE RICH AND CORPORATIONS PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE & CLOSE CORPORATE TAX LOOP HOLES AND ENACT A PROHIBITION ON HIDING FUNDS OFF SHORE. No more GE paying zero or negative taxes. Pass the Buffet Rule on fair taxation so the rich pay their fair share. (If we have a really had a good negotiating position and have the place surrounded, we could actually dial up taxes on millionaires, billionaires and corporations even higher…back to what they once were in the 50′s and 60′s.Vote Here #4
CONGRESS COMPLETELY REVAMP THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION and staff it at all levels with proven professionals who get the job done protecting the integrity of the marketplace so citizens and investors are both protected. This agency needs a large staff and needs to be well-funded. It’s currently has a joke of a budget and is run by Wall St. insiders who often leave for high ticket cushy jobs with the corporations they were just regulating. Hmmm. Vote Here #5
CONGRESS PASSING “Revolving Door Legislation” LEGISLATION ELIMINATING THE ABILITY OF FORMER GOVERNMENT REGULATORS GOING TO WORK FOR CORPORATIONS THAT THEY ONCE REGULATED. So, you don’t get to work at the FDA for five years playing softball with Pfizer and then go to work for Pfizer making $195,000 a year. While they’re at it, Congress should pass specific and effective laws to enforce strict judicial standards of conduct in matters concerning conflicts of interest. So long as judges are culled from the ranks of corporate attorneys the 1% will retain control. Vote Here #7
ELIMINATE “PERSONHOOD” LEGAL STATUS FOR CORPORATIONS. The film “The Corporation” has a great section on how corporations won “personhood status”. [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SuUzmqBewg"]www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SuUzmqBewg[/ame] . Fast-forward to 2:20. It’ll blow your mind. The 14th amendment was supposed to give equal rights to African Americans. It said you “can’t deprive a person of life, liberty or property without due process of law”. Corporation lawyers wanted corporations to have more power so they basically said “corporations are people.” Amazingly, between 1890 and 1910 there were 307 cases brought before the court under the 14th amendment. 288 of these brought by corporations and only 19 by African Americans. 600,000 people were killed to get rights for people and then judges applied those rights to capital and property while stripping them from people. It’s time to set this straight. Vote Here #8

Post #1
The “Occupy Wall Street” protesters have listed 13 proposed demands from their website.
Demand one: Restoration of the living wage. This demand can only be met by ending “Freetrade” by re-imposing trade tariffs on all imported goods entering the American market to level the playing field for domestic family farming and domestic manufacturing as most nations that are dumping cheap products onto the American market have radical wage and environmental regulation advantages. Another policy that must be instituted is raise the minimum wage to twenty dollars an hr.
Demand two: Institute a universal single payer healthcare system. To do this all private insurers must be banned from the healthcare market as their only effect on the health of patients is to take money away from doctors, nurses and hospitals preventing them from doing their jobs and hand that money to wall st. investors.
Demand three: Guaranteed living wage income regardless of employment.
Demand four: Free college education.
Demand five: Begin a fast track process to bring the fossil fuel economy to an end while at the same bringing the alternative energy economy up to energy demand.
Demand six: One trillion dollars in infrastructure (Water, Sewer, Rail, Roads and Bridges and Electrical Grid) spending now.
Demand seven: One trillion dollars in ecological restoration planting forests, reestablishing wetlands and the natural flow of river systems and decommissioning of all of America’s nuclear power plants.
Demand eight: Racial and gender equal rights amendment.
Demand nine: Open borders migration. anyone can travel anywhere to work and live.
Demand ten: Bring American elections up to international standards of a paper ballot precinct counted and recounted in front of an independent and party observers system.
Demand eleven: Immediate across the board debt forgiveness for all. Debt forgiveness of sovereign debt, commercial loans, home mortgages, home equity loans, credit card debt, student loans and personal loans now! All debt must be stricken from the “Books.” World Bank Loans to all Nations, Bank to Bank Debt and all Bonds and Margin Call Debt in the stock market including all Derivatives or Credit Default Swaps, all 65 trillion dollars of them must also be stricken from the “Books.” And I don’t mean debt that is in default, I mean all debt on the entire planet period.
Demand twelve: Outlaw all credit reporting agencies.
Demand thirteen: Allow all workers to sign a ballot at any time during a union organizing campaign or at any time that represents their yeah or nay to having a union represent them in collective bargaining or to form a union.
These demands will create so many jobs it will be completely impossible to fill them without an open borders policy.
Quite a list of Marxist “demands”, indeed. The real question here is if these demands are not met, then what?

Source: The Washington Times
Now, thickening the plot if you go to the CoupMedia.org page, which again is independent of Occupy Wall Street, whose website is occupywallstreet.org, the first list of demands referenced by the Washington Times is a post from an anonymous user.
Next, if you go to the page were the demands referenced by Fox News have been posted, the page is clearly marked as a user’s post in the forum were anyone can post.
Proposed List Of Demands For Occupy Wall St Movement!

Posted 9 days ago by LloydJHart (Vineyard Haven, MA)
Demand one: Restoration of the living wage. This demand can only be met by ending “Freetrade” by re-imposing trade tariffs on all imported goods entering the American market to level the playing field for domestic family farming and domestic manufacturing as most nations that are dumping cheap products onto the American market have radical wage and environmental regulation advantages. Another policy that must be instituted is raise the minimum wage to twenty dollars an hr.
Source: [URL="http://occupywallst.org/"]occupywallst.org/forum/proposed-list-of-demands-for-occupy-wall-st-moveme/[/URL]
This is clearly a deliberate smear campaign by the elitists.
Referencing a post from a user in a forum and another post on a website not even affiliated with the protests as the demands of the protestors.
Horrible journalism. Period. If any of these so-called “news” organizations would have even bothered to get a comment from an official organizer they would have learned these are not the demands of Occupy Wall Street.
Furthermore, if they cared to do any real reporting, they would learn the protestors have an official spokesperson.
I suggest from now on, if you read something in the press that does not quote the official spokesperson or has not been verified by the organizers, take it with a grain of salt.
As Washington’ Blog reports, and as I can confirm myself, there still is no list of demands from the Occupy Wall Street protestors.
No, There Is NOT a List of Official Demands from the Protesters

Posted on October 4, 2011 by WashingtonsBlog
Numerous reporters, commentators and analysts have pointed to the Wall Street protesters “List of Demands” and criticized it for including demands they dislike or failing to demands which they think are essential.
But one of the main organizers for the protests just told me that – at this point – all such lists are just the suggestions of various individuals and not the official demands of the protesters as a whole.
I can announce with 100% confidence that – at this point – there is no official list of demands. Any lists – such as this and this – are solely one person’s suggestions.

Source:Washington’s Blog
I can confirm this myself from my own personal discussions with the organizers who have repeatedly stressed that the coupmedia.org is not representative of Occupy Wall Street.
In fact, during my discussions with the organizers I personally have suggested that they DO NOT put out a list of demands period.
Fuck the corporate media’s criticism of no clear demands. Any official demand will only be used to divide and conquer the 99%, which the corrupt two political party monopoly does so effectively.
Once we begin playing by their rules of the media, we are then playing by the rules of the corporations. Make no mistake, the media is corporate and therefore are nothing more than a proxy for the corporations that are owned by the Wall Street bankers that we are railing against.
Once we allow the corporations to dictate the rules, we lose period.
Any demand will just be used to slander and attack our movement, period.
If we have learned anything yet, it is that the rules elite are unfair and stacked against us. If we chose to play their game, with using their rules, then they will win by default. Period.
For the same reason, we can not allow the corporate media to set the rules that define what constitutes success and failure. Once we allow them to define success, we lose.
We already see all kinds of lies, smears, and propaganda being used to turn the masses against one another.
This is a cointel tactic meant to deflect our passions against one another.
As demonstrated above, the media is clearly reporting falsely that there is an official set of Occupy Wall Street demands.
The corporate media has been telling Occupy Wall Street for weeks they need to come up with some demands. Then the Washington Times mocks that fact that there even “DEMANDS FOR CONGRESS” in the first place. Then goes on to call the demands Marxists. Fox News, removes the fact they are actually posted from by some random person in a forum from their report and ridicules representing them as the official demands of the protestors. Then they further ridicule them by saying “try not to laugh”.
The false reports are being used to launch baseless and slanderous attacks.
This is how the propaganda machine works. Let us not be suckered into the same games that they have used time and again to oppress their subjects and silence dissent.
For reference, screen shots of the reports because they will undoubtedly disappear.
Washington Times Occupy Wall Street Demands Smear

Fox News Demands Smear

Source: Corporate Media Reports Some Bullshit List As The Demands Of #OccupyWallStreet Then Attacks Them ©


New member
"I personally have suggested that they DO NOT put out a list of demands period.
Fuck the corporate media’s criticism of no clear demands. Any official demand will only be used to divide and conquer the 99%, which the corrupt two political party monopoly does so effectively."

Then what's the point? What do they expect to be a result of their protesting? Are they protesting for protest sake?

Cowboy, you keep referencing CG for your info- is she banned? I'm wondering why she's not posting it herself.


Silver Member
SUPER Site Supporter
Dear FF,

Joe Stiglitz, former Senior Vice President and chief economist of the World Bank, an American economist and a professor at Columbia recipient and a recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences (2001) as well as the John Bates Clark Medal (1979) speaks at the Occupy Wall Street Rally and puts his finger on the pulse. It is a reminder as to why this is everybody's movement.

The protesters are not allowed to use megaphones and so they have created "The People's Microphone" which is where the people in front who can hear, repeat each sentence by the speaker so people in the rear can hear too. That is what democracy sounds like! :clap: Anyway, remarking on this inability to use a microphone, Stiglitz says "Their is too much regulation on democracy and not enough regulation on Wall Street."

The issues discussed by Joe Stiglitz and Jeff Madrick in the video above, are the core reason the Tea Party was born. "Tea" in Tea Party is now an anacronym for Taxed Enough Already. The original intent of calling the movement the Tea party was as an identification with the Boston Tea Party protest against the East India Co. The anacronym comes in the wake of it's hijacking from it's grass roots birth. (What a very clever tactic- turn the attention away from the real issue of fraud, theft, socializing losses while capitalizing profits and narrow the focus to a key sore point with many Americans-taxes. It worked like a charm!)

Those of you who have dismissed, demonized and denounced this movement for whatever superficial reasons, i.e. Roseanne Barr spoke there, allowing those reasons to discredit the whole movement in your own mind and compell you to work to discredit the movement in the minds of others ought to be ashamed of yourselves. If you think in the early days of our nation that our founding fathers were in one accord, you are greatly deceived. There were some vociferous debates, arguments and ill feelings but they recognized that much of what they disagreed on was second to the task at hand and that they had to unify in order to win independence. If the people of this nation don't get their heads out of the sand and recognize the common ground we share with an economic and political system that doesn't work, this Republic which we all know is crumbling, will fall as sure as the sun shines. I implore you to get behind this movement.

Yes, there are all kinds of other ideas floating around but nothing is established. It is just like the days of the early revolution....lots of ideas but one common goal...independence. We need market reform. We need the case of Citizen's United to be overturned so that noone can use the power of their dollar to silence the voices of those of us who can't buy a voice. We need the high level fraud to be prosecuted... Those who loot we should prosecute. The power must be taken from THE PEOPLE and returned to the people.

I recall the early days of the tea party movement and how excited I was. I recognized what a danger this movement was to the establishment. I also recognized when it was neutered.
In response to this article already posted by Cowboy which calls for conservative endorsement of the Occupy Wall Street movement
http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2011/09/wall-street-protest-time-for-conservative-endorsements.html, a commenter wrote-If this movement is co-opted by the Left like the Tea Party was by the Right the plutocrats and their toady’s have nothing to fear and should smile and drink champagne. He is absolutely right and if that happens, the people on the right will be fully responsible for falling prey to the divide and conquer strategy. I've read change comes by ballot or bullets. I no longer believe change will come from the ballot box and it is not reasonable or prudent to call for violent actions until all peaceful means have been exhausted. We all recognize time is of the essence. We can't cling to the false left-right paradigms. United we stand. Divided we fall. It's up to you.

With the interest of our great nation at heart,


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
"I personally have suggested that they DO NOT put out a list of demands period.
Fuck the corporate media’s criticism of no clear demands. Any official demand will only be used to divide and conquer the 99%, which the corrupt two political party monopoly does so effectively."

Then what's the point? What do they expect to be a result of their protesting? Are they protesting for protest sake?

Cowboy, you keep referencing CG for your info- is she banned? I'm wondering why she's not posting it herself.
Shep, I think the main point is to get people from all sides to join in to show WE the people are fed up with the BS and we all have common interests no matter which side you are on , once more join in which it seems to be growing rather quickly in my opinion . Then they can join together and come up with a real plan and get better organized to hopefully even more people together.

These are just my opinions but I think once it gets more organized it may very well be the only chance we have to make a difference. Sure beats the hell out of what the house and congress are doing.

I cant speak for CG other then she has chose to not participate in the forum for reasons of her own, at least for the time being, and no she has not been banned.


Silver Member
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Dang SS and Cowboy! I got this telepathic message from ya'll sayin' I needed to put in my 2cents, so I did. I'm off to class. Have a great day.:flowers:


Active member
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I no longer believe change will come from the ballot box and it is not reasonable or prudent to call for violent actions until all peaceful means have been exhausted.
The ballot box is the third of the four available boxes.

Is that a fat lady I hear warming up?


New member
The ballot box is the third of the four available boxes.

Is that a fat lady I hear warming up?
lol, I thought they were going to make being fat illegal?:wink:

I dunno, but I have a bad feeling we're right on the event horizon.


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
lol, I thought they were going to make being fat illegal?:wink:


Carefull of your wording Shep , you might be taken as the "new rascist" using the F word . :wink: In case you haven't heard that word has been replaced with the new PC term "on a diet" . :whistling:


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I don't know why I listen to Dylan or Morning Joe as both tend to piss me off just with there attitudes, but I will say I agree with most of what both says than not. :ermm::unsure:


New member
I'm not an advocate for for OWS, but I'm an advocate for civil liberties. veteransagainsthefed.wordpress.com Share opinions, points of interest, information.


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BTW, the "demands" list in post #10-http://www.forumsforums.com/3_9/showpost.php?p=490030&postcount=10
Straight from Occupywallstreet.org

Proposed List Of Demands For Occupy Wall St Movement! (User Submitted)

Posted Sept. 25, 2011, 3:46 p.m. EST (11 days ago) by anonymous
Admin note: This is not an official list of demands. This is a forum post submitted by a single user and hyped by irresponsible news/commentary agencies like Fox News and Mises.org. This content was not published by the OccupyWallSt.org collective, nor was it ever proposed or agreed to on a consensus basis with the NYC General Assembly. There is NO official list of demands. http://occupywallst.org/forum/proposed-list-of-demands-for-occupy-wall-st-moveme/

300 H and H

Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
Interestingly this is not the first time Wall Steet has been full of protesters. It apparently happend at least three other times in our history. Also of note is that something changed each time, not at first, but with time there was dramatic change brought about by these protests. Maybe because they bring to the public conscious a unifeing effect, and the change is made at the poles, in elections. I heard an artical on NPR yesterday about this. Gottta listen to what the other half of the country is thinking:whistling: Actually I like some of NPR, and prefer it to anthing "wrap" like in music that seams to be on every music channel.......I listen to the radio alot.

Regards, Kirk

Big Dog

Large Member
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GOLD Site Supporter
BTW, the "demands" list in post #10-http://www.forumsforums.com/3_9/showpost.php?p=490030&postcount=10
Straight from Occupywallstreet.org

Proposed List Of Demands For Occupy Wall St Movement! (User Submitted)

Posted Sept. 25, 2011, 3:46 p.m. EST (11 days ago) by anonymous
Admin note: This is not an official list of demands. This is a forum post submitted by a single user and hyped by irresponsible news/commentary agencies like Fox News and Mises.org. This content was not published by the OccupyWallSt.org collective, nor was it ever proposed or agreed to on a consensus basis with the NYC General Assembly. There is NO official list of demands. http://occupywallst.org/forum/proposed-list-of-demands-for-occupy-wall-st-moveme/

That list has obviously been constructed by someone that's done entirely too many recreational drugs!