OkeeDon said:
I'm trying very hard to figure out what the word "Liberal" has to do with your statement.
My favorite subjects, politics, gas prices and taxes. Actually it's not, but it seems to be dragged into most every topic as much as does race and religion. This only brings me to my question of what Don's opinion of property tax is. Don? This is not a loaded or trick question. However, I will tell you that it is the tax that I dislike the most and I feel is the tax that hits the middle class and poor the most.
While many people will say that gas tax, beer tax, or cigarette taxes hit the middle class and poor the hardest, I say BS! I really don't think that our middle class and poor are really that stupid. Although they will squeak loudly about 'sin' taxes, I'll challenge you that those taxes do not hurt our middle class or poor as much as property taxes do. The only other tax that would come close would be tax on fuel.
Let me explain. If things get
really tough, I (figuratively speaking) can give up beer and cigarettes. I won't want to, but I can. Taxes on fuel begin to get into that area where I have no choice. In many parts of the U.S., you must have a vehicle to be able to be gainfully employed and to keep your family safe. Property taxes rip apart the very fabric from which our country is founded; private land ownership. Isn't that the American dream, owning your own property and your own home? As long as we have property tax, our entire concept of the American dream is nothing but a pipe dream, a farce, a canard, a fallacy, a flat out lie!
If the economy takes a down turn and I cannot make my property taxes, what happens? Whether my house is completely paid off at the bank or not, it is reposessed!

The sad truth is that with a property tax, I
cannot ever pay off my property and honestly own it! I cannot get around this unfair tax no matter what I do. I lose my little piece of the American dream.
Even with a flat sales tax, I can regulate what I purchase. We see countries using this system and the black market is alive and well there. We have seen how effective prohibition was. This most recent huge percentage jump in the price of gasoline (please, save me the speach about the cost of our gas being some of the lowest in the free world. I've looked into that ad nauseum. Now I can't afford to put $250 in the tank of my Ford Excursion I just got last week at the auction for a real bargain. I tried to run it across the blocks this week and it looks like I've lost $15k in the last week with that lovely V10 gas engine. I have to have a car to get to work, what do I do?! I can make my house paymant, but with these new additions for the rate increase makes it seem like I'm going further in debt each month rather than getting anything paid down.
Now, as a middle / low class America wanting to live the American Dream, I have some real issues. No matter how hard I try, it looks like my house is going back! This lovely gas price increase has just killed the American Dream for me! The "evil" Republicans" have been painted into a coner as a group of people who have no care for me and want to screw me! The Liberal Democrats are pointing fingers across the isle at the evil Republicans looking for an answer.
I just bought a new SUV yesterday, but I'll never see itl I need to write it off. Help here! You have all the answers. I jsut have a headache.