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Man mauled by Grizzly then shot by hiking partner


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
Talk about having a bad day, this guy is in critical condition.

Guess he should have used "bear spray" instead?


A 56-year-old man is in critical condition after being attacked by a grizzly bear, then shot by his hiking partner on Sunday in British Columbia.

The Calgary Herald reports that rangers responded to an emergency call about a bear encounter near Fernie, B.C. early Sunday morning. Upon arrival, they found a dead grizzly and two hikers, one of whom was seriously injured.

According a B.C. Ministry of Environment spokesman, the victim was mauled by the grizzly bear, then shot in the ensuing melee as his partner fired at the animal. The bear died at the scene and will be examined by conservation officers.

The victim was airlifted to a local hospital in critical condition.

- See more at: http://www.backpacker.com/news-and-...-shot-by-hiking-partner/#sthash.c5B5BFUu.dpuf
And I thought I was having a bad day. :bonk: not even close. Poor guy. Wondering if Cheney was his hunting partner (or someone related to Cheney)
That is funny!! The first thing I wondered was if he was hunting with Dick ...
Latest reports have him as in stable condition. Seems he and his son in law were hunting elk... with shotguns and that he is a local taxidermist. I wonder if the Conservation officers will let him have the Grizzly?