• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/

Mahammad, let's try this again!

Big Dog

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Mahammad's latest thread.......(To All Kioti Forum Participants).......Let's see how long this one last


New member
if at first you take one side and you don't succeeed.. then back off and take the other side. Good job Muhammad! Way to hold your ground and not let them poke fun of you. You the man and have control of the situation.

Notice he said nothing about Kioti coming into other forums.. Did anyone catch that I said, that I have NEVER posted in the Kioti forums? I posted in the general forum and got attacked and then banned. Just curious, has a Kioti manianc ever been banned? its almost like a gang mentality and Muhammad is afraid of the Kioti gang.

I am really starting to think that he should seriously consider starting another site KiotiByNet.com. Specifically for all the Kioti maniacs. Leave TractorByNet for everyone else who is generally always civil to each other.
Or leave it alone and let things run its course and have everyone other then Kioti maniacs leave to go somewhere else.

I am considering a second tractor.. Kioti would have been a possible choice up till a few days ago. Now have a bad taste in my mouth from the whole experience. I would rather buy ANYTHING other then a Kioti at this point... and it has nothing to do with the tractor itself.
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Like a bad penny...
GOLD Site Supporter
You know, almost to the person, the absolute worst assholes about Kioti are the ones who have replied. I wonder if the dumbasses may have possibly figured out that they could very well lose their place to hold their group therapy sessions if they keep up the attacks?! Or, are they just plain stupid and think they are scoring points with M by sucking up?! Honestly, I don't think M is that stupid to fall for the worst offenders immediately kissing his ass.


Gone But Not Forgotten
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Dargo said:
You know, almost to the person, the absolute worst assholes about Kioti are the ones who have replied. I wonder if the dumbasses may have possibly figured out that they could very well lose their place to hold their group therapy sessions if they keep up the attacks?! Or, are they just plain stupid and think they are scoring points with M by sucking up?! Honestly, I don't think M is that stupid to fall for the worst offenders immediately kissing his ass.

Dargo, I'm sure glad you included the word almost


Like a bad penny...
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OregonAlex said:
I am really starting to think that he should seriously consider starting another site KiotiByNet.com. Specifically for all the Kioti maniacs. Leave TractorByNet for everyone else who is generally always civil to each other.

You know, I wonder why someone hasn't suggested that to M?!!! It is an undisputable fact that most of the Kioti people "do not play well with others". Fact. Plain and simple. They have pretty well succeeded in taking over his TBN site, so why not concede defeat and give them their own forum actually called KiotiByNet?! That way, normal people can go back to using what used to be TBN to gain information about tractors. As noted, even outsiders can see that the Kioti fanatics have taken over what used to be known as TBN.

You know, Alex, you may have the only possible answer for M to salvage TBN before advertisers begin a mass exodus and the site completely folds. He ought to pay you for your suggestion! :beer: But, most likely, you'd get :moon: and :fart2: .


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OhioTC18 said:
Someone register KiotiByNet and offer to sell it to him.

you know.. I think you are on to something. Lets assume that people are already starting to leave and advertisers on TBN are starting to get concerned. Why not direct them to a new site of our own creation, maybe not forumforum as it is a little more general then just tractors.

Perhaps something like:


of course you can tick M off and just get tractorbynet.net or, civiltractorbynet.com, friendlytractorbynet.com,

Big Dog

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I believe this all proves he recognizes the problem, the damage it's done and he's now in damage contol. He's not doing a very good job. BTW.......I'm going to take this time vent a little about a couple of the moderators at TBN.

Bird......What help has he really contributed, rarely come through with anything worth a shit!

GatorBoy......Makes sure everyone knows he's the super geek and makes you feel like your in catholic school with all his f****** corrections.

MikePA.......The real TBN police

I did PM Mahammad on October 1st to address how I thought TBN was doomed (little strong) and on October 2nd I addressed some of the moderators. His respose is in the attached doc.


  • Mahammad.doc
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Gone But Not Forgotten
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Big Dog said:
GatorBoy......Makes sure everyone knows he's the super geek and makes you feel like your in catholic school with all his f****** corrections.

I don't think he is a Moderator, YET

Big Dog

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I have seen him in the moderator list and Mahammad did not deny!

Big Dog

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That list changes all the time, I know I've seen him there. I always assumed it was the ones currently moderating. He was the one I had the biggest problem with and one I complained about. I stressed he was a deterent to new members because of he attitude and correcting all the time. If not he's still a pain in the ass and no positive to TBN.


New member
This is what probably got me banned. Snippet from your letter.

"...but when they want to abuse TBN and stir up controversy so they can then say that TBN is going down the drain, well, they aren't welcome here."

I basically said.. fix things, people are leaving because you are helpless to do anything the problem and your censorship does not help either. I am trying to help you by telling the Kioti's to back off.

I guess he said. thanks for your input, you are no longer welcome here. You questioned my power, now you must die. Last thing I want is someone telling me how to run my country.. I am king here.. Get out!


This is what I think of Mahammad's #2 powerful and leadership post.


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Gone But Not Forgotten
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Big Dog said:
That list changes all the time, I know I've seen him there. I always assumed it was the ones currently moderating. He was the one I had the biggest problem with and one I complained about. I stressed he was a deterent to new members because of he attitude and correcting all the time. If not he's still a pain in the ass and no positive to TBN.

Big Dog, I don't hink I have ever seen his name listed, but I could be wrong. I don't think there are any current members that have been moderators and are not now. If you look at the list, some haven't been around for years and Muhammad won't remove them.

Oh yeah.......he is a pain in the ass

Big Dog

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! no doubt..........Not to get something stated but that list changes all the time. I've seen as little as 3 names on it, believe me! I checked all the time for the assholes.


New member
If you really want to see TBN go down the toilet.

Someone *innocently* ask why there are no TBN moderators which own Kioti? Certainly, there are some Kioti ownere on TBN which have a lot of posts which should qualify as a moderator. It seems that Kioti fans are being given the an unfair shake on quite a bit of issue and it would help level the playing field if the Kioti forum was actually moderated by a Kioti tractor owner.

Just suggest this and watch the look on M's face when all the Kioti's get that idea in their heads and begin to second the idea. Who has the guts?

I would do it but I can't post anymore..as I have been banned.



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Big Dog, Gator boy isn't a moderator. But I'm sure He'd never pass up the opportunity ,given the chance. He's just the self appointed TBN fact and spell checker :) John

Big Dog

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OK...........Didn't stop me from complaining about him, did I mention he's a jerk. Surprised the big "M" didn't enlighten me.


New member
ok... as a line taken from the first Spiderman movie.. The Goblin says:

"...what about my very generous proposal?"

nothing.. not a peep so far. I thought surely someone else would like my idea regarding suggesting of a Kioti owner/moderatoro on the open Kioti Forum.


Like a bad penny...
GOLD Site Supporter
C'mon Big Dog, you have to make them do something! If the prices don't go up too much, I really don't dislike Kioti tractors for the value; but I can't possibly ever admit that most places because of how much of an asshole the majority of their owners have been to me.


New member
Big Dog said:
It would be their ticket out!
it would't take all of them out.. just the maniac's which would instantly jump on that "suggestion" and would not let go of the idea until M sent them a one way ticket out to regain his control. It might help clear out the problem childs.


OregonAlex said:
you know.. I think you are on to something. Lets assume that people are already starting to leave and advertisers on TBN are starting to get concerned. Why not direct them to a new site of our own creation, maybe not forumforum as it is a little more general then just tractors.

Perhaps something like:


of course you can tick M off and just get tractorbynet.net or, civiltractorbynet.com, friendlytractorbynet.com,

How about Tractor Bite Me, TBM for short. :thumb: