Boggie where are you????????????????
I think that you know some one that would go get it for a small fee. I think he is even headed that way pretty soon with a trailer. If you want me too I will get it for a fee and bring it here then to you when I go that way?????
OK I just bought it........... so now we have to figure that out
Your will you find me a Snow Trac ST4.... I'm near SLC
Here's one for Bobcat...
1930's???..... must be ahead of it's time..trackless version
That CraigsList Kristi email address is no good. Hmmm...
Where is the Museum?
Not sure who Bryan is, but glad you got it.. Seems like a nice find.
Where are u located?... I know a few transporters that haul non runner
auction cars around the west if needed. I'm sure they would haul a cat.
Hey.. I'm 2 for 2
Let's go for a third
Who needs a raidtrac?
Here's one for Bobcat...
1930's???..... must be ahead of it's time..trackless version
I'm somewhat new to the Board... are you guys Hoarding these machines?
We've got all kinds here. Mainer hoards the 601's. Snowcat Operations hoards the Thiokol's. Bobcat and Big Al hoard the Krusti's.(they make dandy little flower pots, those krusti's) We're all a bunch of addicted nuts when it comes to snowcats.
trailer full of spare parts???
What happend to the originals,