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Looking for a blue ray player


Bottoms Up
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US Navy Veteran
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I'm finally ready to get my first blue ray player. Part of the motivation is I would prefer a blue ray player to using Wii to get movies via NetFlix streaming video. I understand the Blue Ray remotes make navigating Netflix much easier than with a Wii interface.

Looking for suggestions on a good blue ray player, please include price if possible.
We have a PS3.....not only a Blue Ray player but all round media centre.

I stream Films from my PC to it and it will play most formats including AVI XVID ect...great for browsing the web and without doubt the best for on-line game play due to it being free unlike the xbox360.

Plenty of films to buy and download via online.....the PS3 does much more than most people think.

Just one of the options Doc....have a read of the spec's....

I've been there, and looked at offerings at tiger direct and on amazon. Most list Networking as an option so that they can do NetFlix and more. I'm looking for real reviews and suggestions as to what model does the job for you.
They offer a lot of cheaper players now. in the 100 dollar range. Most of those are capable of networking but do not have the wireless built in. However they would work fine with cat 5 attached to them. I would like to go with one of the cheaper ones run a wired network cable to it, but wondering if I'm missing something and hoping for input.
I was not aware of what NetFlix was but now after looking it up the PS3 does allow streaming on this also....i guess it's like the iplayer service we get here in the UK that we stream through the PS3.

Live a little learn a little eh.
We bought a cheaper Sony last year at Sam's Club - Black Friday deal for $119 or so. It kept freezing up and skipping parts of movies. Finally gave up and took it back. Exchanged it for a Samsung. It has worked fine. Even took a power surge back in May, thought that fried it, but it just messed up the HDMI interface on my stereo, but I didn't know that until after the fact, but any way. It had been hooked to a 52" LCD Samsung. Great picture. Never streamed Netflix because we don't have a super fast connection and don't really feel like spending more money per month. Anyway, when we replaced the Sammy TV we bought a 60" Sharp Aquos Quattro LED. Love this TV (of course loved the Sammy too), but we also bought 2 Sharp Blu-Ray players (ins. bought one and HH Gregg later offered a deal where they offered one free w/ purchase so we went back and got the second one:clap::w00t2:). Both of those have work fine, though I can't say anything about the Netflix. I do not they are pretty reliable. Dad came home from the hospital last Wednesday and one them hasn't stopped playing the old Emergency! tv show since - 24x7.
Good info. Thanks guys. I have the Wii game system and have no desire for a PS3. I want a good blue ray player with Netflix, and I think most Blue Ray systems offer that capability but many of them have to be wired rather than wireless like the Wii and the PS3.
I've had a Panasonic DMP-BD30 now for about 2 years and sorry don't remember exactly what I paid but it was in the $150 range if I remember correctly. As to if it works with Wii I have no idea since I also don't own that but it has been a great player. All I do is play store purchased DVD either in Blue-Ray or standard types.
BTW, I think my Sammy and Sharp are capable of being connected wirelessy by a dongle, but I've just got mine hard wired. I figured one more Cat5 behind the TV wasn't a big deal. TV & Sat box already had them, so I just ran a third. I have downloaded firmware updates for the all of them, I've also downloaded some DVD extras as well over the Internet. Just not Netflix.
I'm also looking for a blu-ray player with (wireless?) networking options. I like the idea of giving up HBO for a Netflix-type service.

Wireless is the only way to go for me right now, but I might be able to relocate my ISP modem and router so I can go with a Cat5 connection.

PS3 and Wii are not options for me -- never really got into the gaming thing.

Any other thoughts\suggestions?
I went with a Sony BDP-s570 ($150) from www.amazon.com. I picked this one for the built in wireless and Amazon Prime video on demand compatibility. It's last year's model, but the new s580 wasn't compatible with Amazon's video service, so I went with the old.

The thing was pretty darn easy to set up. I was streaming video within 30 mins. of pulling it out of the box. That said, my router is wireless G, which made the streaming problematic at times, so I ran Cat 5e from my router to the DVD player and it worked like a charm. I can even stream music seamlessly from my laptop through the player. Pretty cool!