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Looking at New Cameras


Active member
Monica is wanting a new camera. Currently we have a Nikon D60 DSLR - about 3 years old. It is a really nice camera. We've bought a couple of lenses for it in addition to the 18-55 that came with it. She is starting to do some wedding photography and wanting to do more of it. So she doesn't want to go with just one camera in case something would happen to it. We are really happy with the Nikon and since we already have lenses that is what we are going to stay with.

We are looking at a couple of different models. She is looking at the NikonD7000 and the NikonD5100 Seems like they are very similar, but a few things the 7000 does a bit better and since the 5100 is brand new even though it is a "lesser" model it does a few things better. One thing that confuses me, the D7000 has the autofocus motor built into the camera. Can we uses our current lenses that have it built into the lens? I know that means any lenses we would buy w/o an autofocus motor we would only be able to use in manual focus mode. Somewhere around $400 difference in price. Rumor is the D7100 won't be available until next spring, so it is the typical do you buy now or wait until the next greatest thing around the corner.

Any one (Gatorboy:biggrin:) have any thoughts on this?
Thanks for the links JEV, I know Gatorboy is still around and hoping he would provide some insight. I know he knows his stuff and trust his opinion.

BTW, I think she is pretty much set on the 7000. Now she is just deciding how she wants to buy it. Body only or include a lens. From what she was telling me last night when I was heading to bed, the best deal may be to buy the body itself and then an 18-105 lens from somewhere else. Not sure on that yet though....I've gone to sleep since then so the world could have changed.
Monica just called to tell me she ordered the D7000. She found the body only online for $769 w/ free shipping. She is pretty happy and excited. Now researching a couple of new lenses and probably a speedlight for it. I picked her up a 32GB Class 10 SDHC card at MicroCenter last week for it - in anticipation that she was going to order it.:whistling:
Guess that order didn't work out. She received an e-mail from that company the next day she needed to contact them about that order. She called them and then immediately they tried to talk her into the D5100. She kept telling them she wanted the 7000. Then they were like why? It is the 5100 is the same camera and the 7000 doesn't come with anything. Supposedly the camera came with battery, charger, etc. But they were saying no. Then she asked if it was the US or Grey market version. It was the Grey version so she told them to cancel the entire order. Stay away from buyherephoto.com - don't want to include a link, don't want to give them a hit. She found another place that has it for $899 that includes the accessories and is the US. So, I think she is ordering it right now. Now to get some gigs lined up. She has one on the 27 of this month and maybe one for September 2012 - yes 12.
Monica still hasn't received her camera, but it should be coming. She has one a couple of lenses on ebay. She has also purchased some studio lights, softbox, and a couple of backgrounds. She still needs to find a stand for the backgrounds.

But last week when I was at MicroCenter I picked her up a couple of SD cards for the new camera. They were Centron 32 GB Class 10 cards for $37.99. Seemed like a good deal - till I started researching them. Seems like a lot of trouble with the cards going belly up or not writing the whole file and the colors being off. Decided to return them.

I ended up getting her 4 cards total. 2 PNY 16 GB Class 10 cards that are capable of 20 MBs write speed for $29.99 each and 2 Sony 32 GB Class 10 cards capable of 22 MBs write speed for $69.99 each. Hopefully that should keep her in cards for awhile.
Things are progressing - albeit slowly. She was trying to do a couple of DVDs for weddings (one that she had done and one for pictures someone else had done) on our laptop while we were at the fair last week. The laptop wasn't cutting it. We ended up buying a new Toshiba laptop with the i7-2630QM processor and 6GB of RAM. Nice laptop. Got it for $749 at Officemax. Also got a 25" HP LCD monitor there for $219. It looks better than the 23" Samsung that was 3 years old it replaced that was one of the better ones when I bought it - that will go on the kids' computer now.

She has gotten 3 or 4 lenses now. At this point, I'm confused and couldn't tell you what she has gotten though they are all Nikon/Nikkor lenses:biggrin:

The camera finally came yesterday. After a couple of run-arounds from other places she ended up finally just saying uncle and order it from Amazon. It is really nice - though I'll probably never even manage to learn even 10% of the features. She was giddy over it last night.
The focus drive on the one camera, will let it work with older lenses. It will still function great with the new lenses that have the built in autofocus.

I would start looking at the F2.8 lenses and such. Expensive... But, the fast aperture is worth it. My 80-200 2.8 is a great lense.

Just remember, you will pay more for good each good lens than you do for the body. You just can't beat good glass for image clarity, and light gathering ability.

FWIW, I still use most camera's in manual mode... The golly jee whiz features are nice, but still dont beat knowing how to do the same thing manually.