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look what wondered up in my yard

working woman

New member
this morning. no tags or collar on her. She came with another dog looked like a german shepard mix. He ate and drank some water and took off. Kind of skittish. Hope this one is micro chiped!


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Or not. Looks like a keeper.

She is really a sweet girl. Loves to play. Espcially with tennis balls. Does know how to sit, dosent jump on the furniture but not housebroken :pat: . Looks like she has had lots of puppies. Huge tits, espcially the ones near her tail end. Almost look like a male hanging down from the rear end of her. Is that normal?
Know she is starved for attention and was very hungry when she showed up. I keep looking for my neighbor to come home to ask if he knows anything
Talked to the neighbor and he was thinking it belonged to a neighbor down the road. Went to that house (which I found out where thats where the german shepard lived) Was waiting for someone to come out with a shot gun. There on his fence was a sign that read "dont even think about parking here" Looked like a real red neck place.
Talked to some man with a toothless smile that claims it is not his dog, nor had he ever seen it before. I pointed out that his other dog (now in his fenced yard) knew this dog, both showed up at my house this morning and acted like they were best buds.
So I just came from the vet, no micro chip. The vet tech looked at her and said she had just had a litter of pups.
Did I mention she has fleas? Had to talk the vet into selling me a tube of advantge. Said he didnt want to sell me the tube with out checking her out for worms, ect. Told him to give me a week to find the owner then well take it from there. gez
Congratulations on the new dog.

I havent given up. Got a ad placed in the newspaper, as well as contacting the animal control and humane society. Animal control said if no one claims her after 30 days she is mine. So I am keeping my fingers crossed the owners comes through, if anything for her pups.

Meantime my other two dogs are a little upset or jealous we have company. one of them is not eating.:argueing:
I havent given up. Got a ad placed in the newspaper, as well as contacting the animal control and humane society. Animal control said if no one claims her after 30 days she is mine. So I am keeping my fingers crossed the owners comes through, if anything for her pups.

Meantime my other two dogs are a little upset or jealous we have company. one of them is not eating.:argueing:
First of all WW, if it weren't for people like you, there would be alot of dogs that are dead due to the actions of their negiigent owners. I commend you (also gave you rep points). Secondly, I don't think your new dog just happened upon your house. She obviously chose you as dogs have that "sixth sense" as to who they should be with. After the 30 days, the two of you will be inseparable!
Went to that house (which I found out where thats where the german shepard lived) Was waiting for someone to come out with a shot gun. There on his fence was a sign that read "dont even think about parking here" Looked like a real red neck place.
Talked to some man with a toothless smile that claims it is not his dog, nor had he ever seen it before. I pointed out that his other dog (now in his fenced yard) knew this dog, both showed up at my house this morning and acted like they were best buds.

I'm not toothless!! :mad:
Secondly, I don't think your new dog just happened upon your house. She obviously chose you as dogs have that "sixth sense" as to who they should be with. After the 30 days, the two of you will be inseparable!

Thanks bone. I hate to say it, but I am getting kind of attatched to her.
She is such a good dog. She walks like she has been trained on a leash, and even not on a leash,she stays right by my side.
I discovered this morning she has worms. :pat: (why am I not surprised) Keep wondering about her pups though.

So now that I admit that she is growing on me...She needs a name. Any suggestions?
Looks like a Sadie to me

thiis is to weird. That named popped into my brain today while at work and the first thing out of my mouth when I walked in the door. You been reading my mind Dargo? Yikes, if thats the case I better be thinking nicer thoughts!
thiis is to weird. That named popped into my brain today while at work and the first thing out of my mouth when I walked in the door. You been reading my mind Dargo? Yikes, if thats the case I better be thinking nicer thoughts!
The last person whose mind he read ended up being punched out by the famous Dargo right hand. Oh wait, that was the guy who sold him the iphone...no, maybe that was the recruiter....or was it.....:poke: :yankchain: :hide:
Hey bone thanks for asking.
Found out Mon night through my walking buddy (she has 3 newfies) that her neighbor who lives down the street came home with a yellow lab mix puppy. She found it in the middle of the road (down the street from Dargo's house) with a sibling on the side of the road. There was a sign in the yard that said free puppies. When she stopped to and asked about the puppies they said that the mom was a full yellow lab and no idea who the father is. The lady kept the one pup she found and took it to the vet. He said the pup looks about 8 wks old. Not one word about a missing mom. The same lady who found the pup has also seen the Shepard (the one she showed up with) and Sadie running the streets.
I thought briefly about taking her back to the house and checking it out, but I know what will happen, they wont take care of her and she will end up pregnant again. Not to mention that I know she will get fleas again, and who knows what else.
I think she absolutely loves it hear, and has a vet appt. fri for shots and a spay appt the first part of Nov.
I think that is great news for both of you. Anyone who would care for their dog and puppies like that should in no way be allowed to have them back. Congratulations!
oh yeah, forgot to add. she is such a good dog. She doest jump on the furniture except the other night when I went to bed I caught her jumping up and humping the arm of couch! Whats that about?
WW, do you know for a fact that the dog that showed up at your doorstep does not belong to the people who had those pups for sale?

Remember, pets are considered personal property in most states. This can lead to other issues down the road.

I speak from experience, when you bring a new dog into your house. Even if you don't already have pets, you should seperate the animal from your living area for at least seven days (even more important if you already have pets). Medical issues could get out of hand by trying to do a good deed (you've already mentioned fleas, get an infestation sp? and you'll be having some real fun).

I'd like to say I'm surprised that people that have pups for sale would let them out on the street, but I guess thats no more amazing then you having seven puppies on the side of the road with three of them dead, hit by cars, with the four remaining live ones having no clue what's going on, scared to death, and have people just drive by on a regular basis not even stopping to see if they could help.

On a side note, something I've noticed working with unwanted animals. WW, those people who had those pups for sale, by chance, do they have any children of their own? Chances are you can notice a corrolation sp? between pet ownership responsibilities and how children are raised in that same household.
WW, do you know for a fact that the dog that showed up at your doorstep does not belong to the people who had those pups for sale?

Remember, pets are considered personal property in most states. This can lead to other issues down the road.

I speak from experience, when you bring a new dog into your house. Even if you don't already have pets, you should seperate the animal from your living area for at least seven days (even more important if you already have pets). Medical issues could get out of hand by trying to do a good deed (you've already mentioned fleas, get an infestation sp? and you'll be having some real fun).

I'd like to say I'm surprised that people that have pups for sale would let them out on the street, but I guess thats no more amazing then you having seven puppies on the side of the road with three of them dead, hit by cars, with the four remaining live ones having no clue what's going on, scared to death, and have people just drive by on a regular basis not even stopping to see if they could help.

On a side note, something I've noticed working with unwanted animals. WW, those people who had those pups for sale, by chance, do they have any children of their own? Chances are you can notice a corrolation sp? between pet ownership responsibilities and how children are raised in that same household.

dz, No I dont know for a fact that she is the mother of the pups.
the pupies were not for sale. The sign said free puppies.

Also, the puppies two puppies found by the road were not dead. I have no idea if they had children or not. A friend of a friend found them.
As for the personal property. When I talked to animal control they said if no one claims her after 30 days she is legally mine.

Once I found out she had fleas I immadetly treated her with advantage. That stuff works fast! Kept her out of the house until her fleas were gone.
I know you are supposed to keep the dogs seperated for awhile, wasnt sure how long though, so I did mess up on that one. Had her a week today. So far so good!
just came from the vet, (to have the worms taken care of) He guessed Sadie was two to three yrs of age. Judging from her tits she has had probably 2 - litters of puppies and the only way to get rid of her saggy boobs is a breast reduction
Found out Mon night through my walking buddy (she has 3 newfies) that her neighbor who lives down the street came home with a yellow lab mix puppy. She found it in the middle of the road (down the street from Dargo's house) with a sibling on the side of the road. There was a sign in the yard that said free puppies.

I assumed from the sign in the yard for free puppies, that chances were that the puppies found on the side of the road were from the same house that had the puppies for sale.

I realize that you didn't find any dogs dead, however in the past (per those dead puppies on the road from my comment), that is somthing that I have personally come across more than a couple of times. I just wonder at times where our humanity has gone when people can just ignore a situation like that.

In a pinch for fleas, liquid joy works wonders for both cats and dogs to rid them of fleas.

Don't always take the word from your local animal control department as Gospel. Each animal control department varies on budgets, training, education and dedication to their job, depending on the area you live in.