........... Made the move to a new 180 gallon aquarium to consolidate my 90 and the wife's 40. I knew I had 2 big crabs in my tank, I caught glimpses of them at night and they were decimating my cleaner crews (snails and small crabs). Not sure if it's a wolf or black tip but this guy was 3" across (very large for a reef aquarium). In the filter sump now. The bad thing is I know there is one bigger in the rock (I looked in every rock I moved too) and he's not the same species. I'm gonna have to try baiting.
Link to aquarium pics ............. http://www.forumsforums.com/3_9/showpost.php?p=494157&postcount=94
Link to aquarium pics ............. http://www.forumsforums.com/3_9/showpost.php?p=494157&postcount=94