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loaded cat trailer over bank


Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
not a good late Friday night while out looking for 2 missing people
I haven't checked it out yet but one 3" channel crossmember on the front of the trailer got pulled loose from a stump. just a visual it looks like that is all the damage. the gooseneck dented the corner of the pickup right above the right tail light.
3hrs to get it out loaded.11000 lbs.
the two straps on the one side held the cat on. the other two were slack.
the wrecker lifted the back of the trailer while I drove it out.




Bronze Member
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I had a sheriff in the pickup with me. he didn't have much to say. he did slip and fall but ok. I seen really thin wire and followed it around behind my truck and past my trailer. it led to his tasier on his belt.
it was at a sideways steep angle and I couldn't unload the cat without tipping it.
Dang I thought I had a bad day when I burnt a big hole in my snow pants after I leaned over the turbo charger looking for a coolant leak.

I trailered up my PB260D a couple of weeks ago and the roads were a sheet of ice, was so glad when I unloaded and there was no bent metal or other issues. Hope the damage isn't too bad.


Well-known member
Bummer, glad you are ok and didn't get Tasered. Was that the call in Government Meadows? I've been in that area (70rd) a few times this month on calls. I have a feeling we'll have more.


Member Formerly Known As Kristi KT7
GOLD Site Supporter
Jim Happy to hear you all are ok and the equipment survived. Did they find the people ?

Blackfoot Tucker

Well-known member
GOLD Site Supporter

Glad you're okay and the damage was relatively minor (and the Pisten Bully was unscathed).

That had to be a pretty scary ride!


Scary! I've been thinking about a set of tire chains for my trailer, this might put me over the top on that. (Not to say that would have worked in your situation, depends how it happened, etc.)
How's your trailer look?


Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
I welded a new crossmember in and it checks out good. i'm going to keep a closer eye on it for awhile.

300 H and H

Bronze Member
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I had a sheriff in the pickup with me. he didn't have much to say. he did slip and fall but ok. I seen really thin wire and followed it around behind my truck and past my trailer. it led to his tasier on his belt.
it was at a sideways steep angle and I couldn't unload the cat without tipping it.

So exactly what was the situation that got your trailer as it is, in the picture? I don't seem to be able to put this together, so as to know what not to do in that situation..

The deputy fired his Taser? What was that all about?

Sorry but I just have to ask...

Regards, Kirk

MNoutdoors RIP

Gone But Not Forgotten
GOLD Site Supporter
The deputy fired his Taser? What was that all about?

Sorry but I just have to ask...

Well I suspect that when Jim hit the ditch the sheriff crapped his pants and when he stepped out the truck door it rolled down his leg which caused him to slip as he was afraid the he would go down the hill he fired his taser to leave a trail for them to follow to retrieve him.:yum: and now you know the rest of the story :yum:


Or he thought they were being attacked by a Sasquatch that grabbed the truck and pulled it from the road they maybe smelled the bananas Jim had in the back
Of the truck and the sheriff was trying to scare it off:whistling:

Or he just fell and it went off but that's to boring :flowers: