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LMC 1500 GSA


Well-known member
GOLD Site Supporter
I bet all the bones are good, probably just needs someone willing to go through it and give it the TLC that it needs. Anyone want to play The Price is Right? The contestant who bids closest to the actual auction price without going over wins. My bid is $31,578.


Active member
GOLD Site Supporter
I bet all the bones are good, probably just needs someone willing to go through it and give it the TLC that it needs. Anyone want to play The Price is Right? The contestant who bids closest to the actual auction price without going over wins. My bid is $31,578.
I'm in $27455


Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
Really? Desirable model, full ROPS, passenger capacity w/ heat and sliders for conversation, tracks 'appear' OK from the distance shot. Quick plug & battery swap ;) (or even fresh 300) and you are in business. ;):p;)



Well-known member
It's been just over a year. But thanks again Brad for our very, very nice 1985 LMC1500.🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


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Well-known member
GOLD Site Supporter
Excellent, lots of contestants! We need to end The Price is Right bidding 24 hours before the end of the auction to prevent any unfair advantages. That will be 9am MT/ 8am PT on Friday. Any last bids?


Well-known member
GOLD Site Supporter
With less than 24 hours remaining in the auction, The Price is Right bidding is CLOSED. We have a total of 10 contestants with an average bid price of $32,283. Let's see how well we know the market!

1PJL$ 22,500
2mtmudrunner$ 27,455
3GMoose$ 29,999
4sheep_mtn$ 31,578
5Bobcatbob$ 31,683
6mkntrakes$ 32,000
7DAVENET$ 33,201
8Tirediron$ 36,751
9Pontoon Princess$ 37,666
10Cidertom$ 40,000
Average Simulated Bid:$ 32,283


Well-known member
GOLD Site Supporter
Bobcatbob, you bid $31,683 for the LMC 1500 snowcat. And the actual retail price is: $31,763!

Rod, tell Bobcatbob what we have for him today.

Bobcatbob, you won a brand new SAILBOAT*!

(*All prizes must be claimed in person from the Nigerian Provincial Department of Maritime & Livestock Affairs. Taxes, duties, fees, transport, and sailboat not included.)



Active member
GOLD Site Supporter
That is hilarious! If I can ever make the time to get to a snowcat event, I’ll absolutely collect my sailboat*. But in keeping with good karma, when I do make an event, I’ll buy the first round* for every attendee.

(* “round” in Wisconsin talk is a 12 ounce plastic cup of our states finest…Rhinelander or Pointe beer)

p.s. For non midwestern types….Rhinelander and Pointe beer serve as an FDA approved pre Colonoscopy prep…cheap and it does the job!
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