Like a bad penny...
This is the PHD I bought to plant all my trees with last year. I used it for about 1 week and got tired of replacing the shear bolts. It has the 12" auger. If your soil is of heavy clay, you'll need a pocket full of shear bolts or adapt it to a slip clutch. I have a slip clutch I bought to adapt to it, but I never used it. I'd sell it for $325 with the 12" auger. If someone wants the slip clutch, it's new (unused at all) and I'd sell it for an additional $50. I'm not sure what adapters would be needed to use it. By the time the slip clutch came in after I ordered it, I was finished planting my trees.
It's tied to a pallet and stored on a shelf up in my barn. You'd have to come pick it up or find some reasonable way to ship it. I think I paid $450 plus tax and shipping for it early last year. Oh yeah, I did use the expensive Amsoil fully synthetic gear oil in it when I filled it. That ought to be worth the selling price itself.
It's tied to a pallet and stored on a shelf up in my barn. You'd have to come pick it up or find some reasonable way to ship it. I think I paid $450 plus tax and shipping for it early last year. Oh yeah, I did use the expensive Amsoil fully synthetic gear oil in it when I filled it. That ought to be worth the selling price itself.