Land Surveyors -- cost estimates?


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
We are looking to put up a short run of privacy fence by the new guest house/garage because that is very close to our property line so we want to separate it from the neighbor's yards.

All the corners of my property are staked, unfortunately the back 500' of the property have thick woods and a slope that makes it impossible to get a visual line from the front to the back of the property. That means I will need to hire a land surveyor to determine the location of the property line.

I only need him to put in a couple location stakes a couple hundred feet apart, any clue what this type of service would cost?
We are looking to put up a short run of privacy fence by the new guest house/garage because that is very close to our property line so we want to separate it from the neighbor's yards.

All the corners of my property are staked, unfortunately the back 500' of the property have thick woods and a slope that makes it impossible to get a visual line from the front to the back of the property. That means I will need to hire a land surveyor to determine the location of the property line.

I only need him to put in a couple location stakes a couple hundred feet apart, any clue what this type of service would cost?

I had the same issue at my cabin and used a good laser level at night.
this isn't in a residential neighborhood but it got me with in a foot or 2 wich was fine.

I rigged it up above the brush and so it would be above the hills.
I put a cardboard box on the end of a 1x3 for a target at the other end and aimed it at the target.
then used another target down the line to find were I needed to cut the brush out and marked it with survey tape and cleared it out during the day.

I then lowered the level (different night ) to just make it over the dips and ridges and marked the line more accurately. using my targets and another level to come down plumb to the ground more tape and spikes in the ground now.
We are looking to put up a short run of privacy fence by the new guest house/garage because that is very close to our property line so we want to separate it from the neighbor's yards.

All the corners of my property are staked, unfortunately the back 500' of the property have thick woods and a slope that makes it impossible to get a visual line from the front to the back of the property. That means I will need to hire a land surveyor to determine the location of the property line.

I only need him to put in a couple location stakes a couple hundred feet apart, any clue what this type of service would cost?
We just recently had one side of the property line surveyed and staked kind of under the same circumstances and it was 1200 bucks . 4 guys and 2 trucks here for a total of 6 hours, allthough I have no clue why it took that long other then our property sits back 1/4 mile in the back half of a section of ground . Dont know if thats helps or not . :wink:
If you have both corners , can't you set a transit up over one corner nearest your house and get a line based on degree's setting , without needing to see the other corner?? Most property descriptions papers have the degrees marked on them ..

$700 bucks was the quote I got . Forget that !!!! I did it myself .
We are looking to put up a short run of privacy fence by the new guest house/garage because that is very close to our property line so we want to separate it from the neighbor's yards.

All the corners of my property are staked, unfortunately the back 500' of the property have thick woods and a slope that makes it impossible to get a visual line from the front to the back of the property. That means I will need to hire a land surveyor to determine the location of the property line.

I only need him to put in a couple location stakes a couple hundred feet apart, any clue what this type of service would cost?

If you have both corners , can't you set a transit up over one corner nearest your house and get a line based on degree's setting , without needing to see the other corner?? Most property descriptions papers have the degrees marked on them ..

$700 bucks was the quote I got . Forget that !!!! I did it myself .
We did that a couple years ago and shot it with a laser. But it is not official and the fence company won't put up a fence along a line like that UNLESS both neighbors agree on the placement of the property line.

In my case my neighbor has had a long held belief that part of my yard is his property. He has been shown he was wrong in a friendly unofficial way, but the fence will be an issue. The reason for the fence is because of the new guest house and offering some level of privacy to my property, but as he has been using part of that part of my yard (with my permission) it will now cut him off of about 1/3 of "his" back yard, he won't like/want that and so I need a survey to put in the fence.
We did that a couple years ago and shot it with a laser. But it is not official and the fence company won't put up a fence along a line like that UNLESS both neighbors agree on the placement of the property line.

In my case my neighbor has had a long held belief that part of my yard is his property. He has been shown he was wrong in a friendly unofficial way, but the fence will be an issue. The reason for the fence is because of the new guest house and offering some level of privacy to my property, but as he has been using part of that part of my yard (with my permission) it will now cut him off of about 1/3 of "his" back yard, he won't like/want that and so I need a survey to put in the fence.

Then it is time for the big guns (surveyors) but remember usually no 2 get the exact same results.
I only need him to put in a couple location stakes a couple hundred feet apart, any clue what this type of service would cost?

I recently had a survey done of 1.5 acres (half wooded, half open) and was told by two different companies that $600 is the minimum for any job. This survey ended up costing me $700.