Ditto, thoughts and prayers for a quick and painless recovery PG.Thanks Muley!
All the best PG! Hurry back.
Ditto, thoughts and prayers for a quick and painless recovery PG.
Muley, let her know that we're all wishing her the best!
Well PG, hope you're up and running soon and can get back to
One of the girls used to work for her at her job. She recognized her voice down the hall and called her into her room. She is treating them right so they can return the favor. The solid food is the big thing for her going home. She is bored with only having cable and no internet.
Above were your last posts. I missed the post about surgery. Please clue me in.See my latest post about her. She may be in surgery now.
Found it thanks for the updates.It is in the seriously speaking forum called another update on PG.