• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/

Junkman has a Kioti!

Big Dog

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Wonders never cease...........

Don't believe me, see Tractors/Considering filling my tires? Need Help!


Like a bad penny...
GOLD Site Supporter
OMG!! You got him! As long as he doesn't adopt the TBN'er "Kiotidiot" outlook, nobody would care. :eek:

Big Dog

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At least I know I have 1 friend, We pal's huh Junk!

Man, if this thread ain't worth a 1000 points nuttin is!

I'm ready to be knighted Junk...............:a1:


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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Big Dog said:
At least I know I have 1 friend, We pal's huh Junk!

Man, if this thread ain't worth a 1000 points nuttin is!

I'm ready to be knighted Junk...............:a1:

Greg, FYI you are not the first, nor the only Kioti owner here. Vin (Daedong) was one of the first guys invited here, I think he was one of the very first members to join. We really don't care what brand of tractor any normal person owns, but I will admit that the zealots of any brand are not welcome to frequent this forum (at least I won't welcome them). I've said before that I like pretty much every brand, but there are some folks who I can't tolerate. While I no longer even visit the other site, actually considered several Kioti owners as friends (you among them) and I helped several with various things from the emails you and I traded about the TNT systems to advice for others on curved arm loaders, how to mount a toolbox and how to wire in electrical relays (take that advice at your own risk).

Big Dog

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Sorta had that figured out, this is all in fun...
Still waiting to find out who is going to head up the Kioti forum, I filled out Junks application. I'm a shoe in..............:D


Extra Super Moderator
Big Dog said:
............... I filled out Junks application. I'm a shoe in..............:D

I don't think so. You have yet to provide a 2000 word thesis telling why you want the job. Then comes the screening committee of 75 members who will carefully look at all the pertinent material that you write. :whistle:


Back From the Dead
Junkman said:
I don't think so. You have yet to provide a 2000 word thesis telling why you want the job. Then comes the screening committee of 75 members who will carefully look at all the pertinent material that you write. :whistle:

Junk can I be on the screening committee? can I, can I, can I, can I, :D


Extra Super Moderator
PineRidge said:
Junk can I be on the screening committee? can I, can I, can I, can I, :D

Mike....... you are officially on the screening committee..... do you solemnly swear...... ;)


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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Big Dog said:
I'm getting a bad feeling, I think I see a conspiracy!

Oh no, not another conspiracy theory. Let me guess, the Freemasons got the Trilateral Commission involved so the Council on Foreign Relations could cover for the Skull & Bones Society to give plausable deniability to the Knights Templar?


Like a bad penny...
GOLD Site Supporter
B_Skurka said:
Oh no, not another conspiracy theory. Let me guess, the Freemasons got the Trilateral Commission involved so the Council on Foreign Relations could cover for the Skull & Bones Society to give plausable deniability to the Knights Templar?

And the meetings will have to be performed subrosa. :)

Big Dog

Large Member
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[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=-1]Subrosa? I need another definition.........:eek:

Now Brett how does this apply? I'm confused and I ain't queer!

is a reproducible cyberfeminist* cell of cultural researchers committed to combining art, activism, and politics to explore and critique the intersections of digital information and bio technologies on women’s bodies, lives, and work.
In subRosa’s definition, new cyberfeminism is a promising manifestation of feminisms that addresses the effects of digital technologies on the political, economic, and personal conditions of women’s lives.
subRosa produces art events, activist campaigns and projects, sneak attacks, publications, media interventions, and public forums that address aspects of technology, gender, and difference; feminism and global capital; new bio and medical technologies and women’s health; and the changed conditions of production and reproduction for women in the integrated circuit.
subRosa practices a situational embodied feminist politics nourished by conviviality, becoming autonomous, and the desire for affirmative alliances and coalitions.

I suppose the highlighted is the closest eh?


Like a bad penny...
GOLD Site Supporter
Big Dog said:
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=-1]Subrosa? I need another definition.........:eek:[/size][/font]

Now hold your horses large canine. I used the term because the orginazations of the Freemasons and Knights Templar were invoked in conversation. All of our Latin Club meetings were held "sub-rosa". Other than to sound like something important was being discussed and important information was being disciminated, it was for show. You see, Sub rosa comes from the Latin words that translate, literally "under the rose," from the ancient association of the rose with confidentiality, the origin of which traces to a famous story in which Cupid gave Harpocrates, the god of silence, a rose to bribe him not to betray the confidence of Venus. Hence the ceilings of Roman banquet-rooms were decorated with roses to remind guests that what was spoken sub vino (under the influence of wine) was also sub rosa. You know the Las Vegas phrase for this, "What happens here stays here". Really, no different.

To enhance the secrecy and mystique, the meetings could also be held con-clave. This translates from Latin to "under lock". When the Catholics elect a new pope, it is done during "conclave", which is from the Latin root we discussed. The Cardinals are literally locked in the chapel with no outside communication until a new pope is chosen. I'll spare you the process and the wonderful code of the colored smoke from the burning of the ballots. ;)

So, sorry, nothing sexual, either homo or hetro, is hidden in the meaning of what I mentioned. Sorry for any confusion or mental duress I may have caused.:tiphat:


Like a bad penny...
GOLD Site Supporter
Uh, what happened to my signature line? Why is it **** now? It translates into roughly through teaching, men learn. Am I violating some new oath by saying that?!


Klaatu barada nikto
SUPER Site Supporter
Dargo said:
Uh, what happened to my signature line? Why is it **** now? It translates into roughly through teaching, men learn. Am I violating some new oath by saying that?!

Ruht roh! Looks like somebody installed a filter! :mad:

Does the following word for poop come through?




Why yes, yes it does. I don't know why (or how) your sig has been censored.


Like a bad penny...
GOLD Site Supporter
I wonder if I'm being given a hint to go away to make room for "highbeam", "drewl", and "HODAK"? :eek:


Bottoms Up
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yep, Dave's right. I put some words in the censor area. I'll make a change and bring your sig back.


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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Doc said:
Dargo said:
I wonder if I'm being given a hint to go away to make room for "highbeam", "drewl", and "HODAK"? :eek:
yep, Dave's right. I put some words in the censor area. I'll make a change and bring your sig back.

Well do us all a favor and add the following words to your "censor" area:
drewl (or is it drool?)


Extra Super Moderator
there are names that can be banned from use when registering, so if any one has any suggestions, please send them to Doc, Junkman, or Bczoom by private message. Junk

Big Dog

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I can think of three and they resemble names from the mod list on TBN!