New member
Maybe someone can answer me about a couple problems I am having with the final drive on my '81 Bombi. I have started getting a clacking noise in the dif. when I make turns to the right or the left. I can feel it in the steering bars like a jumping or grabing feel and this clacking noise. I thought that it may be worn out brake bands so I got into the dif and took them out to see whats going on. The brakes showed some wear but not real bad the cross hatches still there and not down to the rivets. The drums though are pretty rough on the surface they may need to be turned. I really don't know how to remove them or if they really are the problem. I also noticed that the oil in the dif. is cloudy so there is water getting in there and mixing with the oil. I noticed that the oil was mixing with water the last time I changed the oil but didn't have the clacking problem then. The gears and bearings all look real good with no real signs of unusual wear or metal in the oil. Has anyone had this kind of problem? Do I really need to turn the drums or should I just change the oil and reline the brakes? Any help you could give would really be great.