Joined the local VFW Tuesday night and did get welcomed in right away. Met so many veterans that were in the Vietnam, Korea, Persian Gulf wars even in Iraq and Afghanistan wars there. Luckily I brought my dd214 with me and my son was with me. I met a couple veterans that also lost limbs like me. One was a Vietnam war veteran that lost his right leg above the knee, stepped on a land mine and he wears a prosthetic leg too. Told me it was tough for him at first and he overcame it. Another one whom was also in Iraq that lost his right hand whom uses a prosthetic hand. Did have a couple drinks with them, First one I bought and one bought the 2nd one for me. My son drove home, know better not to drive after having a couple drinks. I got nailed for a DWI in 2006 first offense and learned my lesson the first time.