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John Deere fans?


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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Love the old tractors. I still see a lot of older JDs and Olivers running in the fields around here. Neighbor up the road runs a JD that looks a lot like the one in your video when he cuts and bales hay in the smaller fields.


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There was a running john deere 40 crawler tractor with a blade that came into the junkyard last week, it lasted about 3 days before it got resold!:smile: there are 2 1010 or 2010 tractors there also ,i think they both have winches on back,im suprised they haven't been picked up yet,lots of JD guys around. Don


Bronze Member
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my 1935 BR is in the barn. Bought new in 1934 for $700. original owner.
251st one built.
we had 2 cyl cat like yours . we did lots of work with it.


JD 826 snowblower, it is old, loud, and politically incorrect, works hard and has done so for decades:biggrin:


Gone But Not Forgotten
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Amish guy in the next hollow has an old put-put crawler he drags logs out with. Seems I have heard that sound all my life.


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I was at my Dad's a couple weeks ago, sitting out front enjoying a "beverage".

Heard a popper start up in the farm across the street. Looked over there but the only tractor there was a Ford 4000. Made me start wondering about my "beverage".

A minute later, from behind a shed, out comes the Deere. OK, now that I know my hearing and eyes were still OK, I went back to my beer.

Track Addict

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Here's a pic from 2012 when some saw sun for the first time in decades. Still making hay with most.


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i have an ar number 251 that was bought by my father in 34. $700


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Somewhere I've seen that video before. I remember thinking at the time that if I had to do that, I'd just pay $140/cord for the wood and have it delivered. :yum:

We still have the old John Deere at the farm. I think that it's a JD 820, bought new in 1958 by my in-laws. It was the first tractor that they ever owned and it's still running strong and working to this day. Strangely enough, until he died 3 years ago, it was only worked on by one mechanic. Pete worked for the JD dealership until he retired and started up his own repair business. My M-I-L mowed with that tractor until she was 86 years old.

Track Addict

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Little local tractor pullin action today.

Boys representing Tucker and John Deere


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300 H and H

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Here on the farm we have a 730 Gas, that sits in an open front shed. It has been there un run for 12 years. The other day we pulled out the plugs, and discovered the right hand cylinder was quite full of water...

How it got there we don't know. But I am afraid of the results.

We need to find it a good new owner, some one who would appreciate and care for it.

Regards, Kirk


legendary ⚓
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[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQMutTxus9Q"]1952 John Deere Model 'M' - YouTube[/ame]

Here is someone we all know on a John Deere :biggrin::wub: