After tightening the tracks and inflating the tires the clicking stopped. like you said it does it a little when going over bumps a little to fast. I assume my springs are weak but I think I can live with it. As far as the heating, I have ford 300 6cyl instead of the old flat head. I had heating issue right from the start. Radiator was a new 2 core installed in back of the engine. Engine was rebuilt. I have gone over everything. I even went as far as replacing the engine with basically the same results. You could start the engine and watch the temp climb non stop to 220deg at which I shut it down. I took the thermostat out and busted the middle out of it and put the shell back in. still no different. I could run it about 15 min before it would overheat. This year I bought a new aluminum 4 core radiator. now it will climb to about 180 to 200 and hold there for about 45min of just riding around. After that it started to climb. I haven't even tried pulling any trees yet. it doesn't really make sense to me. I don't have room to install an electric fan to help push the air so i've run out of options. I just can't run it for very long.