This might end up being the biggest tragedy of our lifetimes, I wonder how the nuclear reactors will turn out.
From what I've read all day today is that the nuclear threat is not what the news media hopes it to be. (ie: the sky is falling)
These points are key:
1) The nuclear power plants all shut down when the earthquake struck.
Control rods were automatically inserted to stop additional fusion.
2) Shutting down a nuclear reactor is not the same as turning off your car.
It is more like going 100 mph down the highway and turning off the ignition. It will take a while to coast to a stop.
3) During this coasting period - there is no additional combustion to make your car go faster - or even keep the same speed. You WILL slow down.
4) The problem is: The nuclear reactors lost it's cooling ability. Just as given the car scenario - you had better still be able to steer... the reactor needs water to cool and slow down process.
5) The worst case scenario:
is that the shut down process without the proper water to cool - melts the containment chamber. IE: Meltdown.
6) Even then this is no Chernobyl. That disaster had a graphite system in place that lead to a "nuclear fire" The plant was at full speed ahead.. and
blew up.
7) What we have here is a nuclear reaction shut down immediately.
and every hour that goes by - it is coasting to a stop.
I'm only telling what I've learned - I'm no expert.
Anyone who knows better can reply of course.