Yesterday something strange happened to my computer.
All of a sudden I started getting small, 2" pop up videos of advertisments appearing in the bottom right hand corner of the monitor. They are as annoying as hell but I can't find a way of shutting them off.
The pop up blockers and security progs are active, it affects Firefox and Chrome, it is using Flashplayer, I've run Malwarebyes and found nothing, I've looked at what has been installed automatically in the last couple of days and there's nothing obvious.
Also, while reading text, certain words and phrases are underscored in red. Running the cursor over those words again leads to a pop up advertisement. This happened once before and I found out how to get rid rid of it but, for the life of me, I can't remember what I did.
If anyone has an answer, please let me know.
All of a sudden I started getting small, 2" pop up videos of advertisments appearing in the bottom right hand corner of the monitor. They are as annoying as hell but I can't find a way of shutting them off.
The pop up blockers and security progs are active, it affects Firefox and Chrome, it is using Flashplayer, I've run Malwarebyes and found nothing, I've looked at what has been installed automatically in the last couple of days and there's nothing obvious.
Also, while reading text, certain words and phrases are underscored in red. Running the cursor over those words again leads to a pop up advertisement. This happened once before and I found out how to get rid rid of it but, for the life of me, I can't remember what I did.
If anyone has an answer, please let me know.