Here is an interesting story about Monsanto. We all know them for their genetically modified seeds and their agri-chemicals like Round Up. Some have suggested in the past that they are evil. Literally out to dominate and destroy all opponents, even if it destroys agri-business in the long run.
Here is an intersting story about an Illinois Bee Keeper who's hives were STOLEN and DESTROYED by the Illinois Dept of Agriculture. Seems that the bee keeper was in a 15 year long research project to prove that Monsanto's chemicals were causing Colony Collapse Disorder. The IL Dept of Ag is pretty much in bed with Monsanto. So the theory is that Monsanto put a hit out on the bees, the IL Dept of Ag did the dirty work.
The article is a couple pages long, rather than copy and paste part of it, I'll just provide you the link. I think that anyone who is a 'hobby farmer' or small scale farmer may find this very interesting, and a bit scary.
Interesting read this is =>
Here is an intersting story about an Illinois Bee Keeper who's hives were STOLEN and DESTROYED by the Illinois Dept of Agriculture. Seems that the bee keeper was in a 15 year long research project to prove that Monsanto's chemicals were causing Colony Collapse Disorder. The IL Dept of Ag is pretty much in bed with Monsanto. So the theory is that Monsanto put a hit out on the bees, the IL Dept of Ag did the dirty work.
The article is a couple pages long, rather than copy and paste part of it, I'll just provide you the link. I think that anyone who is a 'hobby farmer' or small scale farmer may find this very interesting, and a bit scary.
Interesting read this is =>