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Is it worth to switch to 16gb ram or should I keep my 8gb ram?

Aizen De Jesus

New member
My computer has been moving pretty sluggishly within these past few days. When we troubleshoot the problem, we found out that it was the RAM. But I feel like it's just my imagination that it's been moving slowly. Is it just my imagination that my computer's slowing down? And if that is the case, should I really upgrade or keep using the 8gb?

Windows 10
Intel core I5 4690k
8gb ram
Geforce gtx 970


Bottoms Up
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
I would say upgrade. But first check your system using windows 'Task Manager'. It will show you what apps are using the memory. Right click on the task bar for quick access to task manager. Kill off any of the apps you do not need running and you might be able to get by with 8gb.