If you are a company and you provide good customer service, are you doomed to actually be lowering your company value?
We just saw Circuit City fire its most experienced sales people, the stock price is going up now.
Southwest Airlines is known for happy customers, its stock price has dropped.
But the 3 major carriers known for lackluster service to their customers (Continential, American and United) all are out-performing the stock market this year, with Continential up about 49%.
In a recent Survey by CNBC, they asked people "Would you pay more for good customer service" the resounding answer was NO. Several people gave very odd answers saying that customer service is important but they will not pay extra for the service.
Do you shop rock bottom price?
Do you shop where you get service?
Presume you are shopping for a new Dishwasher, do you shop differently for that than you would when you shop for a new computer printer?
We just saw Circuit City fire its most experienced sales people, the stock price is going up now.
Southwest Airlines is known for happy customers, its stock price has dropped.
But the 3 major carriers known for lackluster service to their customers (Continential, American and United) all are out-performing the stock market this year, with Continential up about 49%.
In a recent Survey by CNBC, they asked people "Would you pay more for good customer service" the resounding answer was NO. Several people gave very odd answers saying that customer service is important but they will not pay extra for the service.
Do you shop rock bottom price?
Do you shop where you get service?
Presume you are shopping for a new Dishwasher, do you shop differently for that than you would when you shop for a new computer printer?