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Interesting snowcat on ksl.com

Blackfoot Tucker

Well-known member
GOLD Site Supporter
The seller says it's a "1981 Mini DMC" snowcat. I don't know about that as it looks to me a whole lot like an early generation Spryte. But the dimensions the seller gives seem smaller than a Spryte, and more like an Imp. Hmmm?

This looks to be all there, and assembled, and it's a four-door machine, which I think is a major positive. There will be some work required to make it operational, but at this price point, that is to be expected.



Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
A lot of neat things here, original fiberglass bucket seats and side windows. Even still has the correct headlight guards. 5 man cab to boot. Much is said about DMC but I believe all A-styles were Thiokol manufacture. It would have been produced with a 170, not a 200, and would not have had an automatic behind the engine. I'm also of the belief that only 201's and 1404's were built with non-reduction OC-4's by Thiokol. Otherwise this would be a nice sixty's restoration project. Rear door windows are not correct and the engine cowl has been monkey'ed with but this one has the right body style. And like Pat, I already got too many to fix.