Murph, most news sources seem to allow for reprinting of their copyrighted materials when you cite them as the source and when you are not using their material to make money. That said, I'll post the article below for you: From the
March 8, 2006[/font]
Section: Metro
Edition: Fort Myers
Page: B11
DNC members put greed, power before country
Why is it that many senators and some congressmen seem to have forgotten the seriousness of our war against Islamic terrorists? There were several incidents in the period from 1993 (first attack on the twin towers) through to the late 1990s of successful attacks: two U.S. embassies in Africa blown up with over 400 fatalities to the attack on the USS Cole destroyer in 2000 (17 Navy personnel killed plus many others injured).
During this time, the president in office showed his weakness by doing practically nothing to retaliate, let alone doing anything positive such as being offered Osama bin Laden on three separate occasions and then refusing to capture this master terrorist.
Then, after George W. Bush had been in office for only eight months, the 9-11 attack on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon occurred with 3,000 people killed. This progressive series of attacks by bin Laden and his terrorist Islamic companions certainly demonstrates to any logical person that al-Qaida, Osama bin Laden and Al-Zarqawi (of beheading fame) are our deadliest enemies. If anyone doubts this, please remember that the above-mentioned cowards have boasted that their aim is to destroy American people and our way of life.
It is only by the grace of God and the zeal of our intelligence forces that another deadly attack has not occurred. One of al-Qaida's main targets was to destroy the Brooklyn Bridge. Because the original Patriot Act was in effect, some of our agents were able to detect conversations that allowed them to terminate this terrorist action. Right now we have a number of Democratic senators and congressmen who are trying to weaken the Patriot Act very extensively. Stupidity and blindness abound.
U.S. Code 18, section 794, subsection (a) and (b), provides that treasonous actions, including giving aid and comfort to our enemies in times of war, these traitorous persons are subject to imprisonment and/or death. Many individuals should be prosecuted under this law. ¸
Former President William Clinton, in a speech he made to the American University in Dubai (United Arab Emirates) in November in which he denigrated what has happened in Iraq (much applause). His speech gave much aid and comfort to the terrorist enemy, which could result in many more American deaths and extend the time period for defeating the enemy. Question: is Bill Clinton above the law -- again? ¸
Howard Dean: An "expert" in diplomacy and military affairs, who spouted that the United States cannot win in Iraq. More aid and comfort to the enemy. ¸
John Kerry: His recent comment that U.S. troops were terrorizing Iraq families at night, without any proof, is another "aid and comfort" to the enemy, and demonstrates his total lack of support for our troops in Iraq. He should have been prosecuted for what he did and said during the Vietnam War period. Perhaps now he can be prosecuted and this would be justice well deserved. ¸
Ted "Chappaquidick" Kennedy: His hatred for President George Bush has skewed his judgment to the point that his mind spews out many words that give much aid and comfort to the enemy. ¸
Nancy Pelosi and John Murtha: They've called for immediate to six-month withdrawal of our troops, giving much aid and comfort to the enemy by exhibiting their cowardly cut and run opinions. Others include Harry Reid, Charles Schumer, Hillary Clinton, Dick Durban (our troops are just like Nazis, etc.), Jay Rockefeller, Robert Byrd, Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein, Patrick Leahy, Jon Corzine, Frank Lautenberg, Carl Levin, Chris Dodd, Tom Harkin, Russell Feingold, Joe Biden.
These are all part of the "Hate President George W. Bush Movement," who do all they can to obstruct practically everything that the president tries to accomplish, regardless of the harmful effects they may have on the successful prosecution of the war.
Many prominent columnists and talk show hosts are now warning that the Patriot Act should remain strong, as originally enacted, and not weakened, as many of these obstructionist senators are trying to do. All of the above-mentioned persons are grand examples of unpatriotic foolishness and stupidity in this crucial age of terrorism! It is pitiful, indeed, that a large majority of Democratic Party members put their greed for power for their party first and put the country second. How evil and wrong that is.
May God bless and keep America safe and sound.
-- Gilbert R. Wyckoff lives in Bokeelia.
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