Many years ago a young Merchant Marine officer was ship wrecked after being torpedoed . He finally made it to a small seemingly deserted island only to find several seaman in the same straits as Himself . They had set up a fairly decent survival camp ,so all was good for a while . But, after about six months of the monotony of being maroon ,the young mans thought turned towards emotional needs .
\Finally when He couldn't resist any longer , He asked what the others did for relief . The answer was that they would visit a troupe of Gorillas on the other side of the island occasionally . Nature being what it is , he went along .
He reservedly picked out one of the female gorillas ,and started to go to town .
In a few minutes , He noticed that the others were laughing ,and pointing at Him . In a bit of fury ,He asked what was so funny . To which was answered " You picked an ugly one ! "
\Finally when He couldn't resist any longer , He asked what the others did for relief . The answer was that they would visit a troupe of Gorillas on the other side of the island occasionally . Nature being what it is , he went along .
He reservedly picked out one of the female gorillas ,and started to go to town .
In a few minutes , He noticed that the others were laughing ,and pointing at Him . In a bit of fury ,He asked what was so funny . To which was answered " You picked an ugly one ! "