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IMP rear differential question

Eric SW 48

I am considering buying this 1973 Thiokol IMP the rear differential appears to have been replaced i am not sure if this is a good thing or bad it looks like it may have come out of a bulldozer as the shift lever is right above the unit does any one have any thoughts also an opinion if i need to change the steering brakes is this also going to be harder then if it was original

Eric SW 48

Thank you in advance for any insights i have read about diferantal problems on some of these i don't know if that is tru or not the machine says it has 3400 hours but not sure if that is correct it looks like it has not had an easy life

J5 Bombardier

Well-known member
Case 310 /Terratrac diff,trans unit . Flat cover on the back to remove or winch unit to access the bands , I have one in a Case 320 under restoration . Can't say I ever saw one of those swapped into a snowcat.
J5 Bombardier

Eric SW 48

Case 310 /Terratrac diff,trans unit . Flat cover on the back to remove or winch unit to access the bands , I have one in a Case 320 under restoration . Can't say I ever saw one of those swapped into a snowcat.
J5 Bombardier
Thank you for the reply do you think that it is a good or a bad thing that it is in there when i drove it i did not want to turn very easy but it was in a sand pit so not sure if that is a god test but based on how the machine has been maintained i am thinking that the brake bands have not be touched so as long as the steering cap ability is there i would buy it and change the bands also not sure if the band pressure lines up with the hydraulics that are in the machine any thoughts would be appreciated

J5 Bombardier

Well-known member
Thank you for the reply do you think that it is a good or a bad thing that it is in there when i drove it i did not want to turn very easy but it was in a sand pit so not sure if that is a god test but based on how the machine has been maintained i am thinking that the brake bands have not be touched so as long as the steering cap ability is there i would buy it and change the bands also not sure if the band pressure lines up with the hydraulics that are in the machine any thoughts would be appreciated
I would look for a machine that hasn't been butchered, just my opinion. J5 Bombardier


Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
I see now that you have zoomed out a bit, It is an imp with an OC3 diff in it. ( they cam with OC-4 )

I would be willing to be the shift rod could be made to work.