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I’m so glad everyone who disagrees with me is so stupid or otherwise I might have to


Active member
Goodness knows I would not want to derail a well thought out and topical cut and paste thread, so I will make my own.

It’s really convenient how easily people who have an opposing viewpoint to mine fall into such neat, easily insultable categories so I don’t have to take into consideration anything they have to say on any subject. That really allows me to wash away the notion from my mind that I might possibly be wrong about something. When I see someone who I don’t agree with who is also crazy and completely unreasonable, I am able to connect them with everyone else I disagree with. He disagrees with me. He is crazy. Therefore, everyone who disagrees with me is crazy. Did you understand my logic? No? That is because you are stupid.

And I know you’re stupid because I read it somewhere. All of my opinions are ready and available for me in print form. I find it very convenient that someone went to all the trouble to articulate all the things I believe for me. So that way, I can repeat what I read like I thought of it on my own. Which I did, but somebody just beat me to it.

I can’t believe how great it is that logic supports all of my arguments, but none of theirs. I must be really on to something. I must be really smart to have chosen the correct arguments that logic and reason supports. That makes people who disagree with me all the more idiotic. How could they be so stupid? Don’t they realize that everything I believe is correct? I bet if I yell at them and call them names, they will see the light.
They’re being tricked by their leaders. They just blindly follow their leader and believe whatever they have to say! But don’t they realize that their leader is the worst person in the world! Do they know the stuff that I’ve read about them on the internet? If that person gets accomplished what they really want to get accomplished, I really fear for this country. I don’t want to compare anybody to Hitler, but they could be the next Hitler! All the parallels are there! Hitler rose to power in a democracy, too! The only person who can stop them: the person I follow.

It’s so great to not have to think about anything that I believe. Because everyone on the other side is so misled and silly and stupid and evil and crazy and illogical and wrong, I’m able to surround myself with people who think exactly like me and engage in incestuous group-think where another side of the argument is never even considered — only self-congratulatory dick sucking about how smart we are and how dumb they are.

Not just at home, either. I love going onto the internet, that bastion of reasoned discussion, and finding the respective news site that is targeted to people who think exactly the way that I do and reading all the articles that reinforce all of my preconceived notions. And then I post in the comment section with all the like-minded readers who also don’t like thinking — we masters of the universe — and then we all come together in a nice environment to repeat things we’ve read other people say about the other side.

And when someone who disagrees with us even slightly comes to break up the party, they better watch out! Because we have a salvo of talking points/insults waiting for them. Because we spend our time looking for counter-arguments to what those morons will say. But fear not! We never actually look in depth to anything they actually believe. Why would we? It’s all nonsense motivated by hate and fear and because they are all not as smart as we are. I don’t have to listen because I already know what they’re going to say: stupid stuff.

I also like how this article was written about people from the side that disagrees with me.



Master of Distraction
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SUPER Site Supporter


Active member
Wow, I have not read Newsweek in many years, suprised it is still around. This article (according to the first google result) was a parody and was speaking to both the unhinged right and purist left. I am not sure why you would just post a magazine cover that appearently has the word dumb in it? It is germane in what way?


Proudly Deplorable
GOLD Site Supporter
Your response reminds me of Congress.


Andrew Sullivan makes a compelling case for an Obama win in 2012.

I don't agree with his conclusions but to ignore his points is a path to failure for the GOP.


New member
Yayyy Mak is back!

You can do better than this round robin load of baloney...

How about when Obama runs & hides from his court ordered appearance in Georgia Thursday?

Dog the bounty hunter has the cars gassed, baby Lisa loaded up, and his wife with pink cuffs ready to get their runner in Denver...

"Have a smoke Bro, it's time to chane your life around..."


Active member
I would say orly has some creditablity problems.

Hey, did you miss me? What round robin? I quit smoking a long time ago. It really is nice to talk to you again griz.
Yayyy Mak is back!

You can do better than this round robin load of baloney...

How about when Obama runs & hides from his court ordered appearance in Georgia Thursday?

Dog the bounty hunter has the cars gassed, baby Lisa loaded up, and his wife with pink cuffs ready to get their runner in Denver...

"Have a smoke Bro, it's time to chane your life around..."

Big Dog

Large Member
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
Goodness knows I would not want to derail a well thought out and topical cut and paste thread, so I will make my own.

It’s really convenient how easily people who have an opposing viewpoint to mine fall into such neat, easily insultable categories so I don’t have to take into consideration anything they have to say on any subject. That really allows me to wash away the notion from my mind that I might possibly be wrong about something. When I see someone who I don’t agree with who is also crazy and completely unreasonable, I am able to connect them with everyone else I disagree with. He disagrees with me. He is crazy. Therefore, everyone who disagrees with me is crazy. Did you understand my logic? No? That is because you are stupid.

And I know you’re stupid because I read it somewhere. All of my opinions are ready and available for me in print form. I find it very convenient that someone went to all the trouble to articulate all the things I believe for me. So that way, I can repeat what I read like I thought of it on my own. Which I did, but somebody just beat me to it.

I can’t believe how great it is that logic supports all of my arguments, but none of theirs. I must be really on to something. I must be really smart to have chosen the correct arguments that logic and reason supports. That makes people who disagree with me all the more idiotic. How could they be so stupid? Don’t they realize that everything I believe is correct? I bet if I yell at them and call them names, they will see the light.
They’re being tricked by their leaders. They just blindly follow their leader and believe whatever they have to say! But don’t they realize that their leader is the worst person in the world! Do they know the stuff that I’ve read about them on the internet? If that person gets accomplished what they really want to get accomplished, I really fear for this country. I don’t want to compare anybody to Hitler, but they could be the next Hitler! All the parallels are there! Hitler rose to power in a democracy, too! The only person who can stop them: the person I follow.

It’s so great to not have to think about anything that I believe. Because everyone on the other side is so misled and silly and stupid and evil and crazy and illogical and wrong, I’m able to surround myself with people who think exactly like me and engage in incestuous group-think where another side of the argument is never even considered — only self-congratulatory dick sucking about how smart we are and how dumb they are.

Not just at home, either. I love going onto the internet, that bastion of reasoned discussion, and finding the respective news site that is targeted to people who think exactly the way that I do and reading all the articles that reinforce all of my preconceived notions. And then I post in the comment section with all the like-minded readers who also don’t like thinking — we masters of the universe — and then we all come together in a nice environment to repeat things we’ve read other people say about the other side.

And when someone who disagrees with us even slightly comes to break up the party, they better watch out! Because we have a salvo of talking points/insults waiting for them. Because we spend our time looking for counter-arguments to what those morons will say. But fear not! We never actually look in depth to anything they actually believe. Why would we? It’s all nonsense motivated by hate and fear and because they are all not as smart as we are. I don’t have to listen because I already know what they’re going to say: stupid stuff.

I also like how this article was written about people from the side that disagrees with me.


Who forwarded this to you mak ..................... :whistling:


Active member
I first seen it on another forum. The only emails I get are waayy right wing stuff.


New member
SUPER Site Supporter
:notworthy I agree with all you say wise Mak daddy :agree:


And if you believe that I have some ocean front property in Arizona to sell you!