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I'm gonna get raped over this....


Klaatu barada nikto
I know this probably won't go over very well with most everyone but, read the following and if you have the time, some of the supporting links it contains.


THIS is one of the major failings I see with the current administration, that they have the inability to separate their personal religious beliefs from the running of the country. Some could even go so far as to say that they are attempting a religious revolution.
DaveNay said:
THIS is one of the major failings I see with the current administration, that they have the inability to separate their personal religious beliefs from the running of the country.
And they're proud of it. Smug and boastful, even.

My wife is reading a lot about Iran at the moment. She visited there before the revolution and is saddened to see the mullahs dictate every aspect of life. She comments that the imposition of religion by the Bush administration is a spooky parallel to that imposed by the mullahs in Iran.

Some could even go so far as to say that they are attempting a religious revolution.
I would say its farther along than that and we are seeing the evidence pop up everywhere. Moving this kid from the Bush/Cheney campaign strategy group to become the Public Affairs spokesman for NASA with authority to muzzle the scientists and inject 'intelligent' design into everything NASA has published, is just one example out of many.

The comments accompanying that article are as interesting, and chilling, as the article itself. Researchers in other areas are seeing their life's work shut down by religious conservatives appointed into key control positions. The integrity and independence of 'pure science' are becoming just a memory.

And for what?
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DaveNay[b said:
THIS[/b] is one of the major failings I see with the current administration, that they have the inability to separate their personal religious beliefs from the running of the country. Some could even go so far as to say that they are attempting a religious revolution.

From your link:
The Big Bang is “not proven fact; it is opinion,” Mr. Deutsch wrote, adding, “It is not NASA’s place, nor should it be to make a declaration such as this about the existence of the universe that discounts intelligent design by a creator.”

I can certainly see why you are upset that it would be suggested that there is more than one theory of how the universe may have come into being. How dare someone suggest that there could be more than one possibility! :rolleyes:

Why would you have a problem with this, and how could you imply that this suggestion is an attempt at a religous revolution? It amazes me how some folks get all in a tither over a statement like this while radical Islamists have left no doubt that they are actively engaged in a religous revolution that threatens our very existence. Yet the intelligent design theory is somehow more outrageous and dangerous than the world-wide spread of radical Islam?

What is wrong with acknowledging the intelligent design theory? It seems to me to be just as possible as the big bang theory. Actually, intelligent design is more logical. Think for a moment...the big bang theory, where a giant explosion formed our universe and all its design and order is about as logical as the thought that an explosion at a book factory could result in a new edition of Websters Dictionary. The point is: what is the problem with discussing both sides? Why would you want to supress additional theory (s)? Why not lay it all out and let people decide on their own what makes the most sense?
..."She comments that the imposition of religion by the Bush administration is a spooky parallel to that imposed by the mullahs in Iran."

This country's founding father's designed the political system around God. I find it interesting that we have a President who is trying to govern by the principals this country was founded upon, and is accused of "imposing religion" on the citizens. No-where have I seen anyone in the Bush Administration trying telling us we "have" to be Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, or any other religion for that matter - or be persecuted. I see them as simply trying to steer our governmental system back towards what it was founded upon.
And I for one am glad to see it...I believe it is long overdue.

After reading my post pior to posting, it got me thinking. We use the word persecute alot when discussing religion and wanted to be sure it was the word I wanted to use so I looked it up.

Persecute: (From Merriam-Webster Thesaurus)
Text: 1 to cause persistent suffering to people who were persecuted simply for practicing their religious faith.

Trying to look at this from both sides, I thougt I could rationalize how people could be caused to suffer if the government turned so far down the religous road that if you didn't believe in "God" you could be denied the basic benefits our country provided, such as being free from unwarranted search and seizure.
Example: Muslims being free from being detained just because they are Mulim. Nope, that doesn't fit - they are not being detained because they praise "Allah" - they are being detained because members of the religious group they chose to be affilliated with chose to kill American citizens.

Nope. I can't see it happening, especially with the Left Wing being there to keep the government from running amuck.:D
Wannafish said:
I find it interesting that we have a President who is trying to govern by the principals this country was founded upon
Oh, is THAT what he is doing? Now I understand. That explains everything. :pat:
DaveNay said:
Re: I'm gonna get raped over this....

Geez some kooky political crap. :mad:

And I thought this posting was supposed to be in the MLR. Of course, having seen a picture of Dave I'm not sure I want to see or here anything about him getting raped.

Wannafish said:
This country's founding father's designed the political system around God. I find it interesting that we have a President who is trying to govern by the principals this country was founded upon, and is accused of "imposing religion" on the citizens.

I have read this over and over again and am having a hard time figuring out how the executive, judicial, and representative branches of our goverment were designed around anything to do with God. I always thought it was something to do with balance of power and separation of church and state.

You should also remember that even if the founding fathers themselves were so called god fearing, church-going men - many of the original citizens of this country couldn't have cared less. They may have read their Bible on occasion and believed in a God but belief in God and being a member of a relition are two totally different things. George Washington himself found that he did not much like the New England troops that he commanded early in the revolution because among other things they were not really religious in any form or fashion. If you read much Civil War history or WWII history for that matter you will much the same commentary about troops from those eras too.

It seems to be fashionable to say that many people immigrated here for freedom of religion - the truth is that many of the earlier settlers at least came here for freedom FROM religion. Living in Massachusetts I like to remind people that early colonies - in New England at least - were not religous in the way you might think. If you don't believe me then you need to take a trip thru the centers of some of the towns around here and see which church is usually the oldest one in the town center - and read the date when the church was built. You will find in many towns it is a Unitarian church. Not Catholic, not Muslim, not Mormon, not Church of England, not Jewish, not any of the other "major" religions that you constantly hear about.

Religion and goverment power have historically gone hand in hand. The founding fathers were in a better position to realize that than we are today. In 1776 they were much closer to the horrors of the Inquisition, the crusades, Catholic church power and interference in the history of France, the English Crown and the power of the Church of England, etc. than we are today. The US goverment was established to do the things that govt has to do - no more and no less. Separation of power was put in place to try to ensure that the goverment does not overstep it's bounds. The marrying of political and goverment power with overzealous religosity is something that our founding fathers were intimately familiar with and hoped to avoid. The current situation with the Muslim world gives us a modern day example of what happens when you combine religion and goverment. Lets not repeat the mistake here.