..."She comments that the imposition of religion by the Bush administration is a spooky parallel to that imposed by the mullahs in Iran."
This country's founding father's designed the political system around God. I find it interesting that we have a President who is trying to govern by the principals this country was founded upon, and is accused of "imposing religion" on the citizens. No-where have I seen anyone in the Bush Administration trying telling us we "have" to be Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, or any other religion for that matter - or be persecuted. I see them as simply trying to steer our governmental system back towards what it was founded upon.
And I for one am glad to see it...I believe it is long overdue.
After reading my post pior to posting, it got me thinking. We use the word persecute alot when discussing religion and wanted to be sure it was the word I wanted to use so I looked it up.
Persecute: (From Merriam-Webster Thesaurus)
1 to cause persistent suffering to people who were
persecuted simply for practicing their religious faith.
Trying to look at this from both sides, I thougt I could rationalize how people could be caused to suffer if the government turned so far down the religous road that if you didn't believe in "God" you could be denied the basic benefits our country provided, such as being free from unwarranted search and seizure.
Example: Muslims being free from being detained just because they are Mulim. Nope, that doesn't fit - they are not being detained because they praise "Allah" - they are being detained because members of the religious group they chose to be affilliated with chose to kill American citizens.
Nope. I can't see it happening, especially with the Left Wing being there to keep the government from running amuck.