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IE 9.


Spock and Galvatron < one and the same
Internet Explorer 9 is now out and i gave it a bash this morning....

Designed for Windows 7 and yes at last on first impressions it works at a speed thats at long last competing with Chrome and Firefox....easy to use so if you like IE and you have Windows 7 i would say give it a go,i am sticking with Chrome but will use IE more now without pulling my hair out.

Download here...


If you try it post what you think.
I installed it yesterday, Had to system restore to get back. Wouldn`t run at all on my laptop with Vista, Kept getting DEP errors every 30seconds...

The search window on the address bar is gone, its incorporated into the address window. That about All I noticed as I was fighting with it.

I usually use firefox, but I'll give it a go here. I'll let you know what I think.

I'm on 64 bit W7, 4g ram. We'll see what happens.
Ha! Typical Microsoft. I selected my region, my language, and my system, and guess what - "page not found"! I'll stick with firefox.

I have it on the pc and laptop. Only use it for Microsoft updates about every 2 weeks so no problems so far.
I'm gonna give it a go and see how it is since my firefox crashed hard and terminally yesterday. Giving up hope at ever getting it fixed again. What other browers are good? I've only been using firefox for the past few years. Before that, it was the normal crash and burn every three pages with IE.
I gave up on IE 64 on my Windows 7 would not work with Adobe Flash. Adobe's solution was to use IE 32. Firefox has worked just fine the past year for me. Won't change.
I gave up on IE 64 on my Windows 7 would not work with Adobe Flash. Adobe's solution was to use IE 32. Firefox has worked just fine the past year for me. Won't change.

There lies my problem. I like firefox along with all the addons available to it. Only problem is that mine crashed yesterday and crashed hard. I've tried several times now at uninstalling and reinstalling it but the same problem keeps happening. I've gone as far as doing a system restore as well as defrags, virus scans etc. It's still not working properly. I'm stuck using IE8 for the time being.
There lies my problem. I like firefox along with all the addons available to it. Only problem is that mine crashed yesterday and crashed hard. I've tried several times now at uninstalling and reinstalling it but the same problem keeps happening. I've gone as far as doing a system restore as well as defrags, virus scans etc. It's still not working properly. I'm stuck using IE8 for the time being.

Never mind....got my firefox back up to full force again. I'd rather deal with one or two minor glitches a year with firefox then having to restart my browser every 5-6 pages on IE.
Never mind....got my firefox back up to full force again. I'd rather deal with one or two minor glitches a year with firefox then having to restart my browser every 5-6 pages on IE.

OR while its working you can install google chrome , just for a backup & maybe give it a try . I just have it on my desktop & still use IE 8 about half of the time , But when it slows or screws up I just open google chrome , Justa thought . Glad you got it going . :wink:
I've got no shortage of backup browsers at my disposal. I had IE8 originally and only used it once to download firefox. Somewhere along the line, safari snuck in there during a download for my itunes application(which I've never used btw). Chrome also snuck in during a download. I've tried chrome a bit but not too sure about it. It's very simple with little to no options. Heck, I can't even figure out how a favorites list would work on that browser.
I've got no shortage of backup browsers at my disposal. I had IE8 originally and only used it once to download firefox. Somewhere along the line, safari snuck in there during a download for my itunes application(which I've never used btw). Chrome also snuck in during a download. I've tried chrome a bit but not too sure about it. It's very simple with little to no options. Heck, I can't even figure out how a favorites list would work on that browser.

I cant remember how I did it , But I,ll try to remember . I did something & a window popped up & asked me if I wanted to add my favorites list is all I remember right now . But it did it automaticlly after I clicked OK .

My puters much like me & short on memory :w00t2:, I tried firefox 3 different times & it just froze my puter everytime , so I uninstalled it after several different attempts . :unsure:
I have Opera Browser as a back up.....it works good very fast and very secure(like they all say i guess)...worth a go if your having the need for a back up.

And it is good for retrieving your Emails too.

I heard of Opera. I never tried it before though. I just downloaded it to give it a go. So far, I'm pretty impressed. It's fast and smooth.
Fast forward 9 hrs and yup.... still using it. I like how cleaned up it is when compared to all the useless crap that comes with a browser like IE. The verdict is still out though. It seems allot faster than firefox. We shall see.