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Idaho County Sheriff Wolf Pack Raffle


Gone But Not Forgotten
SUPER Site Supporter
Hey BigAl can you pick me up a ticket?

The sheriff is taking a huge amount of crap from the feds and political types over this .You can only imagine what the Sierra Club types are saying .
They want him fired . Sheriff Geddings sees damn well what these wolves have done to our enconomy in Idaho . Please help by voiceing your support for our sherriff . It will make a difference . At least he has the balls to say what the other state officials are afraid to say .

Support him here by telling our Commissioners !


Gone But Not Forgotten
GOLD Site Supporter
They used to have them run by the fire companies in Pa. They were for coyotes when the game commission reintroduced them years ago. Paid a good prize most times. I do think they get crazy letting the greenies dictate what we can do with land and what species can be hunted and controlled. I think you should be able to use some of them for bait myself.

Snowtrac Nome

member formerly known as dds
GOLD Site Supporter
here just last week a wolf pack got into one of our lacal villages and started eating dogs and what ever else peoplr were afraid to go out at night and a possy was put together to go hunt them down fish and game suspected the population had grown too large for the limited food source in the aera