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Iceberg breaks off in Antarctica ~ could lead to cooler winters


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
Interesting how the effects of the iceberg, the size of a small COUNTRY will affect the global climate for DECADES. Apparently the iceberg may lead to colder winters in the northern hemisphere.
Antarctica Spits Out Iceberg the Size of Small Country

An iceberg the size of Luxembourg split off from the Antarctic continent and could disrupt global ocean patterns and weather systems for decades, according to scientists cited in The Times of London on Saturday.

An iceberg the size of Luxembourg split off from Antarctica and could disrupt global ocean patterns and weather systems for decades, according to scientists cited in The Times of London on Saturday.

The 985-square mile block of ice was knocked off the Mertz Glacier Tongue, a spit of floating ice protruding from eastern Antarctica, on Feb. 12 or 13.

It was dislodged by an older iceberg, known as B9B, which broke off in 1987.

Although the impact was not expected to be felt for decades, the iceberg could block the production of cold, salty water, known as “bottom water,” which could lead eventually to cooler winters in the North Atlantic.

It could also have a negative impact on some of Antarctica’s wildlife, including a large colony of emperor penguins based nearby. A reduction in open water could mean they must travel farther afield to find food.

“The ice tongue was almost broken already. It was hanging like a loose tooth,” said Benoit Legresy, of the Laboratory for Geophysics and Oceanographic Space Research in Toulouse, France.

His team, in collaboration with Australian scientists, began monitoring the Mertz Glacier via satellite images and on the ground a decade ago.​


Now a Published Author
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What is funny is that it is summer there, ice breaks off... It is part of the normal cycle. In a few weeks it will be fall then winter there and the thing will freeze back solid to the same ice pack. These things keep breaking off and the world has yet to end.

Next they will want to mount outboards on the ice to push it back to where it came from... So where do I send my resume.. 'Bout time I jumped on these gravy trains as they go by!!!

Snowcat Operations

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UHHHH Isnt this a normal thing? I remember when the other one broke off and they said it would be a hazard to shipping for decades. Oh all was well. Good Lord next it will be Global warming that did it....... Hey where is the Big Dumb Ass Algore?
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Active member
Well now, folks, slow down and think about it. They forecast colder winters, right? Okay, now follow me closely here. Colder winters do what? :unsure: Yes! You in the middle row......riiiiiight! :clap: They cause us to use more fuel to heat buildings! Yep! I see you nodding now. :biggrin: Projected higher uses of fuel leads to...?????? Right again! Crude oil prices will rise in speculation. In the mean time, we get to pay more to buy fuel!! :ermm:

What a concept, eh?? :whistling:


Gone But Not Forgotten
SUPER Site Supporter
HEY !!!! Bottom Line is I am about 2.5 feet about sea level in Panama !!!! Unless you knotheads want a swimming pool down on the lower floor when you visit ,hope for a drought !!!!

Snowtrac Nome

member formerly known as dds
GOLD Site Supporter
its 2100 and -25 at the end of feb when things are supposed to start warming up because of longer days well its getting colder now and looks like it will stay that way for a week or better and by the way i already pay $5.50 per gallon for heating fuel.


Now a Published Author
Site Supporter
HEY !!!! Bottom Line is I am about 2.5 feet about sea level in Panama !!!! Unless you knotheads want a swimming pool down on the lower floor when you visit ,hope for a drought !!!!

Well you are screwed then, I heard the Reverand Al Gore from the Church of the Global Warming tell me that the melting ice caps was going to raise the sea levels over the roof of your house...

Sorry to be the first to break that to you....:whistling:

Snowtrac Nome

member formerly known as dds
GOLD Site Supporter
HEY !!!! Bottom Line is I am about 2.5 feet about sea level in Panama !!!! Unless you knotheads want a swimming pool down on the lower floor when you visit ,hope for a drought !!!!
Big Al i have a good idea why don't you buy the ice berg than you will have your own personal island to drive your kristi on year around

bill w

saw and bought a new bumpersticker yesterday....it says...STOP GLOBAL WHINING!!!..al gore is hiding in the closet of his mansion eating animal crakers shaped like polar bears...Bill w