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I think my dog sees a ghost.


Country Club Member
The house we live in is a late 1800's farm house. Now there is a fair chance that what's happening has nothing to do with the house but right now I have no freakin clue how to explain what's going on. This is a two story house with 4 br/1ba upstairs. The master actually has two doors into the room. Two of the walls are exterior walls and make up one of the front corners of the house. Our bed comes out of the corner at an angle. On each side there is a window. Under one is a radiator with a nice decorative cover and serves as the wife's night stand. The other has a wicker table and serves as my night stand. On the wife's side is one of those oreck air purifiers. We have a pedistal fan beyond the end of the bed a few feet and more towards the wife's side. I tell you all of this to help understand the process by which I come by my conclusion.

It's important to understand that my dog is a chicken shit unless you are a skate boarder. These really piss her off for some reason. She's a 67lb dobie/charpe mix. (I initially thought there was some mental defect because of the crazy breed mix)

When we first moved into the house, the dog would sleep on her bed near the door which is about 8' beyond the end of the bed. She had no problem going to either side of the bed to get our attention. We introduced the oreck air purifier and the occasional snapping sound would freak her out and so she would come lay on the floor by my side never to return to my wife's side of the bed. Of course I moved her bed and all was fine untill we introduced the fan. She moved further up my side of the bed so she couldn't see the fan (or so that maybe it couldn't see her...:pat: ) I, of course, moved her bed again. Behavioral note: she is afraid of vacuums, lawn mowers, weedeaters and so on.

Now, she never goes into the room without one of us being in there, EVER. She has developed this behavior of cramming herself into the corner between the head of the bed and the wicker table. She sits there for hours scanning the room as if she hears something. eventually she will move to her bed where I find her when I wake up. She sits up, lays down, lays down with her head up, stands and turns herself to the window as if to sniff the cool night air, she lays down again. She pants heavily as if frightened and ocasionally quivers. This last week, on several occasions, she tried to climb in our bed. Last night out, of the blue, she lept onto the bed over my head and to the foot of the bed causing the wife to go into orbit as well. she sat at the foot of the bed shaking and looking around like something was there. We let her stay on the bed for about 15 minutes till she calmed down and then I made her get on her own bed where she finally settled down for the night. Early on in this new behavior we turned off all the equipment we thought might be freakin her out. We even moved them out of the room hoping that would help.

Alas, I am thoroughly cornfused now as to what is up with the poochster.
Well, you may have a ghost...

Anything else happening in the house that may be unusual?

I don't have any first hand experience with ghosts but have an aunt that has had some really strange stuff happen. Some of the events were witnessed by more than one person.
I think it may be the fan . Our cat freaks out if that thing is on . She just keeps staring at the cieling . If the dogs are in the house they do the same thing .
liberal is a conservative whos been arrested, conservative is a liberal who be mugged

My baby tardarella has to stay in a crates cause she's still working on house training. Maybe you should try one.

I'll save my ghost stories for later...
The dog for sure has some pyscological problems. I would remove the fans and air purifier first. Then see how she does. I am not sure when you said you removed all of the equipment that that inluded the fans and such. This dog is apparently terrified of something and for its sake needs help. What that help is is beyond me. Maybe calm and soothe her every night before you go to bed. Pull her bed as close to you as possible. My dog is not apparently scared of anything but does attack the vaccumm when its on. The noise and vibration gets him riled up. BUT he does it with his tail wagging. At some point my wife thought it was funny so she doesnt even stop him anymore. He just sits there until it gets closer and then he attacks. It is funny but I can understand how a smaller dog with the Dobbie mix is a bit skittish anyway. Worse comes to worse move her from your room to a part of the house that is "ok" with her. I know I would hate to be terrorized every night. Soon the dog will just loose it if not helped.
I think it may be the fan . Our cat freaks out if that thing is on . She just keeps staring at the cieling . If the dogs are in the house they do the same thing .

We went thru the "Removal" process awhile back. It didn't seem to matter as far as her behavior goes.

elsmitro said:
...My baby tardarella has to stay in a crates cause she's still working on house training. Maybe you should try one.

Ginger is going to be 7, maybe, lol. She was cage trained as a puppy. She graduated from that pretty quickly.

bczoom said:
Well, you may have a ghost...

Anything else happening in the house that may be unusual?

A house this old has alot of sounds that one might construe as paranormal. I can't say I've experienced anything really wierd. No flying dishes or slamming doors or anything. This town was established in the 1700's. Who knows what's buried beneath this place.
Worse comes to worse move her from your room to a part of the house that is "ok" with her. I know I would hate to be terrorized every night. Soon the dog will just loose it if not helped.

We've tried to get her to sleep in other parts of the house. She won't have any part of it. In fact, since we got her at 7 wks she sticks to me like white on rice.
My Ginger is almost 11 and she sticks to me like glue except when I yell at the kids, shoot guns, or fire up power equipment. Then she hides somewhere far away. I think some dogs are just kind of flighty like that. What breed is she? Mine is part Brittany or Springer Spaniel and apparently they can be a little high strung and sensitive.
Honestly, I think your dog may be seeing something that you cannot comprehend.

Growing up, living at times with my grandmother, our two dogs (one my grandmothers, the other one belonging to my mother and I).

Well, we happen to be with my grandmother at the house when she passed away.

A couple of months laters, both of those dogs would sit at the base of the stairs and stare up to the top of the stairs going up to the second floor. This was the sames stairs my grandmother would walk down during the day.

Those dogs would sit, would not move, and just look up those stairs like someone was coming down. They wouldn't even come if you called them (which they always did anywhere else). Of course, we saw nothing, but it was REAL spooky. Still to this day I could not figure it out. Perhaps when I pass away, I will.
My Ginger is almost 11 and she sticks to me like glue except when I yell at the kids, shoot guns, or fire up power equipment. Then she hides somewhere far away. I think some dogs are just kind of flighty like that. What breed is she? Mine is part Brittany or Springer Spaniel and apparently they can be a little high strung and sensitive.

She is doberman/charpe. Ginger will relocate to other areas when I fire up the stuff. She doesn't get crazy but she would just rather not have anything to do with it.

DZ....I'm really starting to buy into the spirit thing. We're gonna keep working on it and trying different things. Tonight we are going to sleep in a different room to see what she does.

My wifes best friend comes and stays with us every once and a while. When she comes, the dog will sleep in her room. Thats the one we're gonna try tonight.

We'll see whatr happens.
I wonder if someone or something died in that room and the dog can smell it.

I'm not believing in any spirits. That's just too far out there for me.
Well, we slept in the other room last night. The dog set of camp at the foot of the bed on the large rug. I watched her till I fell asleep and noticed that she just layed ther with her head on her paws. Around 1 am I heard this sound to find the dog trying to dig up the rug. She wasn't being crazy about it and it only lasted a couple of minutes. She looked up at me as if to say "I know it's here somewhere". I kept waiting for Rod Serling to come walking thru the door. Woke up this morning and she was sprawled out on the rug at the foot of the bed like nothing had happened. Certainly the quietest night we've had in a while.
Two questions:
  1. Is the house made out of brick or stone?
  2. Have you had the house tested for radon?

1) Partially...the foundation is a combination of brick and stone the rest is frame.

2) yes. No issues there.

Interestingly enough....we returned to our bedroom last night after 2 nights in the other room. She slept like a baby. Went over, layed down on her bed and slept most of the night...go figure.

We also noticed, in our family room, it appears that she tried to get out of one of the windows. Either after something she saw or who knows what. The sill (wooden) was scratched and chewed all to hell and the window had paw and nose smearings all over it. We are in the process of removing 100 yrs worth of wall paper and plan on skim coating the wall to paint. All of the furniture is in the center of the room under plastic. This allows access to to the windows. What's wierd is that only the one window is messed with. The other two were open more exposing the screen enough so she could have gotten out if she really wanted to. And the really strange part is that this kind of thing is soooo out of character for her that it's really got me scratching my head.....I think i need to call Monk...lol
I definatly think animals have a sense that we don't. One night my dog was sitting at the end of my bed looking at the wall. It scared the life out of me.