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i like it


Bronze Member
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Supported Ben Carson
GOLD Site Supporter
It's too low, needs to be up a foot in the back. If it's even possible to ride in this position I would think the first hidden rock would break the case. Or am I missing something?


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
It's too low, needs to be up a foot in the back. If it's even possible to ride in this position I would think the first hidden rock would break the case. Or am I missing something?
The only think I can think of depending on how the rear suspension is set up, is under power the center might raise up higher giving it more ground clearence, I do think a skid plate would be in order either way though. :neutral:


Now that's what I'd call a Snow Chopper... you probably need some sort of ski on each foot. :yum: Looks like a hell of a handfull. I think its a flopper. Good luck.