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I did it again...........


The Crazy Scot, #3
SUPER Site Supporter
Anyone else forget to set their clocks back last night? This marks the 3rd year in a row I've done it!:pat: :boobies:


The Eccentric Englishman
SUPER Site Supporter
Yea, I didnt even know unitl I read this, man, I though something was funny when i got up what i thought was late and my computer clock said 07:50 :confused:


Super Moderator
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
I completely forgot as well.
Looked at my alarm clock this morning and said to myself "time to get up". Then did my thing for awhile and noticed the clock on the cable box said you can go back to bed for an hour if you want (but I didn't).


I wish they (whoever "they" are) would just leave the time standard. I feel tired from the time daylight savings time starts until it rolls back. I have heard that Indiana does not participate in this nonsense. Can anyone from Indiana verify this?


Like a bad penny...
GOLD Site Supporter
Indiana is all messed up on time zones. A few counties do change times, but most do not. For example, where I live we do change times. However, I own some property just north of where I live and part of my property is in one time zone and part of the property is in a different time zone. Talk about confusing! If I'm up working at my property, it depends where I am on the property as to what time it is.


Charter Member
SUPER Site Supporter
Dargo, that is going to change, thanks to our Gov. We will all be on the E.T. now. My father out law is in a county that does not change, and he likes it that way. My guess, his place will not change, he is just stubborn.

And yes, we forgot to change.


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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GOLD Site Supporter
ddrane2115 said:
Dargo, that is going to change, thanks to our Gov. We will all be on the E.T. now. My father out law is in a county that does not change, and he likes it that way. My guess, his place will not change, he is just stubborn.

And yes, we forgot to change.

It is my understanding that Indiana currently observes 4 time zones and 2 different times. Depending on which county you live in, you may follow Eastern Standard, Eastern Daylight, Central Standard or Central Daylight.

It is also my understanding that Indiana is more seriously considering a move to Central Time and will always be on the same time as Chicago, Illinois. There is also some talk about leaving it up the the individual counties, however there is a complicated mix of rules for that, much is based on what the contiguous counties are planning on doing. So as it is now, I have no clue what is going to happen with our time zones but I seriously doubt our state will completely change to either of the Eastern Time Zone plans due to the economic losses we would incure with our most influential economic border state (Illinois). We are simply too dependant upon Illinois to be a different time than they are. And yes, I realize we do cross border business along the Michigan, Ohio & Kentucky borders, but from the economic standpoint, Illinois is our largest trading partner.