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How to think like a Republican


Gone But Not Forgotten
I remember the time that Catherine, one of my daughter Shannon's friends when she was little, told me that she wanted to be President one day. Both of her parents are liberal Democrats and were standing there with us - and I asked Catherine, 'If you were President what would be the first thing you would do?'

Catherine replied, 'I would give houses to all the homeless people.'

'Wow, what a worthy goal you have there, Catherine.' I told her, 'You don't have to wait until you are President to do that, you can come over to my house and clean up all the dog poop in the back yard and I will pay you $5. Then we can go over to the grocery store where the homeless guy hangs out, and you can give him the $5 to use for a new house.'

Catherine, who was about 4, thought that over for a second, while her mom looked at me, and Catherine replied, 'Why doesn't the homeless guy come over and clean up the dog poop and you can pay him the $5.'

Welcome to the Republican Party, Catherine
What is so sad is that republicans appear to see issues in a simple childish manner.:poke:

Vin's been doing his drugs again!!......:punk: I thought you swore off the strong stuff!

Actually, his response it typical of the leftist liberal elitists. No one is as smart as they are.......

The majority of solutions to our problems today are caused by "over-thinking" them. Sometimes the best answer to a problem is the simplest one as noted in the OP's story.

Vin's been doing his drugs again!!......:punk: I thought you swore off the strong stuff!

Actually, his response it typical of the leftist liberal elitists. No one is as smart as they are.......


Sorry but I ain't a leftist liberal elitist, very much just middle of the road.

But you are right on one thing no one is as smart as I.:beer:
Vin's been doing his drugs again!!......:punk: I thought you swore off the strong stuff!

Actually, his response it typical of the leftist liberal elitists. No one is as smart as they are.......

The majority of solutions to our problems today are caused by "over-thinking" them. Sometimes the best answer to a problem is the simplest one as noted in the OP's story.


Added to your post I see,
Don't complicate it with after thoughts, Just keep it simple mate.:thumb:
Obama wants you to give the $5 to the homeless person, invite them back to your house and let them live in your master bedroom while you go live in the grocery store parking lot. You have to keep working though to pay for the house you used to own and to make sure the homeless guy is taken care of properly.
Obama wants you to give the $5 to the homeless person, invite them back to your house and let them live in your master bedroom while you go live in the grocery store parking lot. You have to keep working though to pay for the house you used to own and to make sure the homeless guy is taken care of properly.

So far from reality, it's ridiculous and you know it.
So far from reality, it's ridiculous and you know it.

Perhaps so with regard to PB's post, but the original joke is, unfortunately, all too accurate. :sad:

"Liberals" tend to over complicate things. I noticed in one of your posts farther up the thread you said you were 'middle of the road' and perhaps in OZ that is true, but for us here in the states, you'd be on the left of our political spectrum. That is not an insult in any way, just pointing out the differences in our societies and our political reality here. And yes, I am on the right of our political spectrum, probably off the chart in OZ.

When I was young I was told that the stove was HOT and that I should not touch it. If I did then I learned the consequences of that simple word and the warning. Basically it taught me a lesson. Unfortunately in our society we are removing the 'bad' consequences so our actions don't result in learned lessons. If you can tolerate some discomfort then you can eek out a modest living on the government dole, with ever increasing benefits. Some of us simply believe that is wrong.
If you can tolerate some discomfort then you can eek out a modest living on the government dole, with ever increasing benefits. Some of us simply believe that is wrong.

Are you kidding me? The average family of four on food stamps gets more money for food stamps than my family of four spends on food each month?

Where's the discomfort? What do they want, home food delivery of pre-cooked organic meals?

It's a joke. My post was a joke but its not far from the sad reality.:angry:



One in 11 Americans receive food stamps, according to federal statistics. As the economy weakens, more and more people are turning to this support system. Households receive an average of about $1 per person per meal. Individuals' payments are cappedat $162 a month while a family of four can get a maximum of $542 a month.

My wife spends less than $100 a week at the store and I'm fat. What's wrong with this picture?
Are you kidding me? The average family of four on food stamps gets more money for food stamps than my family of four spends on food each month?

Where's the discomfort? What do they want, home food delivery of pre-cooked organic meals?

It's a joke. My post was a joke but its not far from the sad reality.:angry:

You're just "mean spirited" If it weren't for food stamps up here in New England all our lobster fishermen would be out of work.
Perhaps so with regard to PB's post, but the original joke is, unfortunately, all too accurate. :sad:

"Liberals" tend to over complicate things. I noticed in one of your posts farther up the thread you said you were 'middle of the road' and perhaps in OZ that is true, but for us here in the states, you'd be on the left of our political spectrum. That is not an insult in any way, just pointing out the differences in our societies and our political reality here. And yes, I am on the right of our political spectrum, probably off the chart in OZ.

When I was young I was told that the stove was HOT and that I should not touch it. If I did then I learned the consequences of that simple word and the warning. Basically it taught me a lesson. Unfortunately in our society we are removing the 'bad' consequences so our actions don't result in learned lessons. If you can tolerate some discomfort then you can eek out a modest living on the government dole, with ever increasing benefits. Some of us simply believe that is wrong.

Bob you would not be off the chart politically here in OZ, we have mean spirited, people here to, and they generally tend to have very simplistic views like you preach.

Life can seem very simple when you do not have to worry about the small necessities in life.

Just remember this, for the few that might cheat the system it does not provide a legitimate excuse to deny a reasonable standard of living to those that fall victims of ill health, unemployment or lose the roof from over their head. These things happen through no fault of there own most times. Cave man when they could even fed the weak and nurtured the ill.
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These things happen through no fault of there own most times. Cave man when they could even fed the weak and nurtured the ill.

The cave man took care of his immediate family, not the world. "Most" of the time, everyone else was considered an enemy and a lot of times, they ate them after a battle where the enemy lost...

A lot of their bones showed where they were cut on where they were being "Skinned/Fleshed" for eating... They certainly didn't take care of anyone outside of their group, except in very rare cases.

Trying to rewrite history?
Just remember this, for the few that might cheat the system it does not provide a legitimate excuse to deny a reasonable standard of living to those that fall victims of ill health, unemployment or lose the roof from over their head. These things happen through no fault of there own most times.

You'll be surprised how bi-polar the logic is in this country; I didn't bother searching for supporting statistics, but amazingly often those who really do deserve a little help have too much pride to apply for it. Those who'd take advantage of their Grandmother for a nickel, however, will ride the system for all its worth - ironically this behavior probably actually reinforces the logic of the first group [in that they don't want to be associated with the second].

To make things even uglier, some of the worst abusers of the systems are the same people who aren't responsible enough in their sexual exploits to create any family structure and therefor breed children who expect the world handed to them on a silver platter too. :eek:

And people wonder how conservatives can be so "mean spirited." :mrgreen:
You'll be surprised how bi-polar the logic is in this country; I didn't bother searching for supporting statistics, but amazingly often those who really do deserve a little help have too much pride to apply for it. Those who'd take advantage of their Grandmother for a nickel, however, will ride the system for all its worth - ironically this behavior probably actually reinforces the logic of the first group [in that they don't want to be associated with the second].

To make things even uglier, some of the worst abusers of the systems are the same people who aren't responsible enough in their sexual exploits to create any family structure and therefor breed children who expect the world handed to them on a silver platter too. :eek:

And people wonder how conservatives can be so "mean spirited." :mrgreen:

Very well said Spiffy!
The cave man took care of his immediate family, not the world. "Most" of the time, everyone else was considered an enemy and a lot of times, they ate them after a battle where the enemy lost...

A lot of their bones showed where they were cut on where they were being "Skinned/Fleshed" for eating... They certainly didn't take care of anyone outside of their group, except in very rare cases.

Trying to rewrite history?

No not trying to rewrite history, I had a temporary lapse and forgot that Americans come from different ancestors than Australians.:poke:

You are right, the cave man looked after his immediate family, his tribe, which was his known world at the time, everyone else was his potential enemy. I am talking about looking after your fellow citizens, not the enemy.
Just remember this, for the few that might cheat the system it does not provide a legitimate excuse to deny a reasonable standard of living to those that fall victims of ill health, unemployment or lose the roof from over their head. These things happen through no fault of there own most times. Cave man when they could even fed the weak and nurtured the ill.

This, Vin, is something you do not understand about America. It is not a few that cheat the system, it is very likely the majority. The "system" is so huge that millions, yes, MILLIONS, have learned how to manipulte the system here in some form or fashion. The "system" is so enormous that it cannot be effectively policed. That is why we have so many fat poor people in the United States with wide screen televisions, cable and sattellite, cell phones and video games and new cars.

It is not meaness when the average American gets pissed off at all the leeches they see as they head off to work each day. It is frustration because these leeches are sucking up taxes from productive Americans while most of them are sitting on their fat asses watching cable TV. Of course, there are some people, who, through no fault of their own, find themselves in dire straights. There is no American who would wish to see a TRULY needy person go hungry. We are just sick of seeing the third and fourth generations of leeching people who have lost the correlation between work, money and subsistence. These people have come to believe that all one needs to do for money is go down to the welfare office, sign up, and the check comes. This must change, but the leftists in Washington, DC depend on these leeches and ignorant voters to keep them in office, so they keep on doling out the money. And the testicularly challenged Republicans, eager to kiss the Democrats asses, go right along with them, hoping to keep getting reelected as well.

That, Vin, is American welfare 101.
Cityboy why is this then, I can't say the same about Australia, yet I would imagine our system is far more generous here than the USA
Cityboy why is this then, I can't say the same about Australia, yet I would imagine our system is far more generous here than the USA

I think the difference in the U.S. population of 304,000,000 + versus the Australian population of 21,000,000 has alot to do with it. It is probably a lot easier to police a system like yours, and I doubt that your system has about 10% on the public dole. Even so, 10% of 304 million is a hell of a lot more than 10% of 20 million. We simply cannot manage it, and lack the political will to fix it.
I think the difference in the U.S. population of 304,000,000 + versus the Australian population of 21,000,000 has alot to do with it. It is probably a lot easier to police a system like yours, and I doubt that your system has about 10% on the public dole. Even so, 10% of 304 million is a hell of a lot more than 10% of 20 million. We simply cannot manage it, and lack the political will to fix it.

Numbers are irrelevant in making comparisons, what is relevant is the %

USA unemployment is about 5%
Australian Unemployment is about 4.2% last time I looked.

I would consider both fairly low. In fact the big end of town don't like unemployment so slow, it puts them under pressure finding cheap labour.
Numbers are irrelevant in making comparisons, what is relevant is the %

In most statistical arguments I would agree with you on that statement. But living here and seeing it with my own eyes and seeing the taxes I pay for everything except breathing (that's next probably), I find the numbers quite relevant. The reason is that when the dole gets so big, it becomes too costly to employ more and more productive people to provide oversight and means testing for the welfare recipients. So the bureaucrats cut costs by cutting staff instead of cutting benifits. It's a vicious circle that keeps getting larger.
Cityboy why is this then, I can't say the same about Australia, yet I would imagine our system is far more generous here than the USA

Here are some links that will help you understand our system:

Understanding Poverty in America

How Poor Are America's Poor? Examining the "Plague" of Poverty in America

Here is the synopsis of the information:


The living conditions of persons defined as poor by the government bear little resemblance to notions of "poverty" held by the general public. If poverty is defined as lacking adequate nutritious food for one's family, a reasonably warm and dry apartment to live in, or a car with which to get to work when one is needed, then there are relatively few poor persons remaining in the United States. Real material hardship does occur, but it is limited in scope and severity.

The typical American defined as "poor" by the government has a car, air conditioning, a refrigerator, a stove, a clothes washer and dryer, and a microwave. He has two color televisions, cable or satellite TV reception, a VCR or DVD player, and a stereo. He is able to obtain medical care. His home is in good repair and is not overcrowded. By his own report, his family is not hungry and he had sufficient funds in the past year to meet his family's essential needs. While this individual's life is not opulent, it is equally far from the popular images of dire poverty conveyed by the press, liberal activists, and politicians.

But the living conditions of the average poor person should not be taken to mean that all poor Americans live without hardship. There is a wide range of living conditions among the poor. Roughly a third of poor households do face material hardships such as overcrowding, intermittent food shortages, or difficulty obtaining medical care. However, even these households would be judged to have high living standards in comparison to most other people in the world.

Perhaps the best news is that the United States can readily reduce its remaining poverty, especially among children. The main causes of child poverty in the United States are low levels of parental work and high numbers of single-parent families. By increasing work and marriage, our nation can virtually eliminate remaining child poverty.
Numbers are irrelevant in making comparisons, what is relevant is the %

USA unemployment is about 5%
Australian Unemployment is about 4.2% last time I looked.

I would consider both fairly low. In fact the big end of town don't like unemployment so slow, it puts them under pressure finding cheap labour.

I don't know how unemployment is defined in Australia, but here those who are not seeking work are not included in the unemployment percentage.
I don't know how unemployment is defined in Australia, but here those who are not seeking work are not included in the unemployment percentage.

The numbers here are calculated useing the number of people that register for assistance , I think , not positive.