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How old?


Well-known member
Quick question......How old does a female cat have to be before I can get her spayed? She was born in late august and has not gone into heat yet. Still not full sized yet.
She is old enough now. Better to take her in early than have to abort a litter. Will be easier on her also.
I always was told they should see one heat but that got dispelled when I scheduled Luna for spaying and she came in heat 2 days before the operation, vet did it and it was/would have been her first. Git-r-dun now!
My vet suggested Gretchen get spayed at 6 months.
I had it done when she was about 5 months old because she had an umbilical hernia that needed repaired too.
Got her microchipped at the same time.
We do them at the shelter from 3 months on. The males you usually wait just for them to drop down.
I'm not too worried about her having kittens since she's strictly an indoor cat and the only time she went outside was when I first brought her home back in september. I just remember back to our last female cat who went into heat and did nothing but moan and howl for days on end. Want to get it done before she hits that stage. Guess I can call to book her in any time now then.
Here she is.....the potential victim. She's a bit bigger now. This was taken about a month ago.:biggrin:


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