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How Much Would You Give ?


New member
A driver is stuck in a traffic jam going into downtown Chicago. Nothing's moving north or south. Suddenly a man knocks on his window.

The driver rolls down his window and asks, 'What happened, what's the hold up?'

'Terrorists have kidnapped Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Rosie O'Donnell, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.
They're asking for a $10 Million ransom. Otherwise, they are going to douse them all with gasoline and set them on fire. We are going from car to car, taking up a collection.'

The driver asks, 'On average, how much is everyone giving?'

About a gallon
About a gallon

Throw in GWB and Cheney and I'll give both tanks, the 5gals jug, and drain whatever may be in the generator, and I'll just walk home. Comes to about 50gals. Throw in some more hollywood types, the mayor of SF, and Rush Limbaugh...and I'll give you my fuel card as well. :thumb:

shit, son. im too manly to need a man card!

Then you won't miss it, huh? Come on now, Oprah!?!? :pat:
Now that this hostage sitchiation has gone on for over 20hrs, it seems that the kidnappers are ready to start making some concessions...


No word yet on whether the authorities are willing to accept the offer. :whistling: