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How do you show your holiday spirit?


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
I got this via email this morning from Capt John Newman. I have no idea who he is. Never met him or any member of his family. I got his name from a guy I trade PMs with over at TBN. BTW, he mentions Elsie & Emily Cole, well I don't know them either, they got my name from a friend and they sent me 5 or 6 full cases of Girls Scout cookies that I included in with the boxes of other stuff that I sent over. It really puts some of the holiday spirit into perspective for me. When such a little act as sending over some cookies, candy and other items can mean so much.

Not telling anyone else what to do, but if you want to do something that makes you feel good, you may want to send a gift or two to a soldier.

I'd like to express my deepest thanks for the care packages that I received today from you and your company. What a surprise it was to find 5 large boxes of goodies when my Soldiers brought in the mail! It never ceases to amaze me when folks back home whom we’ve never even met are so kind as to send care packages, and we all appreciate it more than you know.

All red-blooded Americans love Girl Scout cookies, and my Soldiers and I are surely no exception. Please pass on our thanks as well to the Girl Scout troop that sent them to you.

We are getting ready to do a lot of driving in the next few weeks as we prepare to come home after a long year here. We'll be leaning on that Red Man to keep us awake on the roads (although we best not tell our families that!).

I've included a picture of a few of my Soldiers with the boxes this afternoon as they were getting the first look at what you'd sent, and they send their thanks as well.

Please tell Elise and Emily Cole that I really appreciate the card that they colored for us. I wish my art skills were as good as theirs! We'll be sure to hang it up so all the guys are reminded about the folks back home.

Thanks again and Merry Christmas to you, your family, and to all your employees.



Commander, B/3-15 IN
Sadr City, Iraq



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Bottoms Up
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
Nicely done Bob!!!

We help with needy famiies in the area thru the schools, but our effort pales in comparison! :tiphat::applause:

...and here I thought you guys were showing off chrismas trees in this thread! :eek: