• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/

How did you Come to Believe What you Believe Politically and Religiously?


I'm putting this in the SS section because I would like everyone to share their story without the fear of getting beat up for it. So, here are some ground rules for this thread.

1. Everyone agrees not to take anything posted here to the other forums to pick on any other member.

2. No bashing of any religion or politician or political party. Just state your story.

3. No comments on anyones story except to encourage in a positive way, without making an indirect negative comment at someone else you disagree with. The purpose here is for us to learn something about each other and just accept it.

Since I started the thread, I'll go first:

I was born into a Southern Baptist family and raised as a Baptist. In my teen years, I came to question how god was going to send everyone to hell except Baptists. The family across the street were Catholics and I couldn't imagine god sending them to hell for being born into their Catholic family. Then, I made some Jewish friends, and even met a Pakistani Muslim coworker whom I came to respect as a man and a professional. The logic trail continued until I came to be an Agnostic. That's the short story version.

Politics? I didn't have a clue until the 1992 elections. I was 28 years old, and voted for Bill Clinton primarily based upon media reporting. Then I discovered conservative talk radio with Neal Boortz, and of course Rush and Hannity and others, like The Black Avenger -Ken Hamblin (Wonder what happened to Ken?). They got me thinking and investigating. I had been an NRA member since I was 22, and eventually became a life member. I spent, and continue to spend, many hours of investigative study of issues I find important to me and my family. I was pretty hardcore conservative for a while, but discovered I disagreed with my fellow conservatives on several issues like Christianity legislated into government, and the "war on drugs", and legislation against homosexuals (I'm against any legislation giving any one group any more rights than any ordinary individual, BTW) and I think the constant fight to reverse Roe V. Wade a waste of time that could be better spent fighting for other issues. Incidentally, I believe abortion does kill a child and I don't know how women can do this and live with themselves.

The difficulty I have with Democrats is the constant attempts at legislation against Free Speech via the "Fairness Doctrine" designed to silence their critics, and the ongoing attempts to prevent private ownership of firearms. The class envy tactics of the left, along with their support of the punative progressive tax system does little to endear them to me either. These are issues that I believe have the greatest negative impact on freedom and liberty, and they prevent me from casting my vote for a Democrat for that reason.

So what's your story?
Well, I was born into a Protestant home. My religious beliefs are, still, Protestant. However, some experiences in my younger years have had me wondering about hiarchy that always seems to be the norm in any church organization. Somehow, most of the powerplaying goes against what I've learned about the psychology of Jesus Christ.
That said, my political beliefs were, at first, formed by things my mom and dad said. Since then, I have tried my best to form opinions of my own, but with the slant put on by the media, I find it difficult to make a decision at the polls that I'm 100% comfortable with. Local politics is a little easier because I can find our more about a figure around the coffee shop and on the streets. I don't have to rely on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, FOX, et al for that information.
I tend to vote across the board. I vote both Democrat and Republican. I have voted for third-party members just so I wasn't voting FOR a major party candidate who I didn't like. I never expected the third-partier to win, I just couldn't cast a vote for somebody I don't approve of.
Dunno if I made any sense, but then, most of this doesn't make sense to me either!

Thanks for being the first brave soul out of the box. I really appreciate your post.

OK, who's next?
I’m a Baptist at birth and stay that way. (I go to a Lutheran Church though, I don’t think God cares what church I go to)
I was taught to always vote democrat.
The Democrats for years have made me sick so I refused to vote for them. Our governor is a Dem. The voters voted down twice the same sex marriage joke. Our questionable governor rammed it down our throats by making it a state law.
The democratic party is a big joke, they cater to the minorities. I was also taught that the majority rules.
This group is responsible for dummying down America thru their schools. Like games that are played with no winner so someone’s feelings won’t be hurt. Telling others the way they should live while making drugs look good. (late night shows on TV). Drugs good, smoking legal cigarettes bad.
If two people take a test and you get the top score, they give points to a minority and make this person the top scorer. They (The Democratic Party makes me want to puke) want this country to be a communist country. History has shown that communism does not work. I am a registered democrat and I wouldn’t vote for any of their candidates. I do like the fact that they count me in for their demonstrations, dirty deeds, etc. They called me and asked me to go raise hell at a Cheney event, I slipped up by telling them “I like honest people like Cheney”, they took me off of their troublemakers list. I could go on for hours, Bye.. Darroll
Thanks for sharing Darroll.

I'd really like to hear from some Democrats as well as Republicans. Keep in mind guys, that this is not an opportunity to snipe at the other side. The spirit of the thread is to state what you believe politically and religiously and how you came to think that way.

Let's keep it nice and keep it going.

Who's next?
I was born, Baptized, and Confirmed a Catholic. I was probably pretty good until High School. I went to a Catholic High School and got the bejesus beat out of me. Am Agnostic now.

If you haven't noticed, I am conservative politically. Put it simple, keep govt out of my life and let my successes, risks, failures, etc be all mine. If I want to help someone less fortunate than me, let me make that choice to do so when I want to do so at a level I wish to do it at.

So, whichever party shows, not talks, to be more conservative than the other, that's who I vote for. I won't vote a write in. Only one of the two parties can win; an independent can't. A write in for an independent is a vote for the party furthest away from your own views.
I was born and confirmed Catholic. Not long after I was confirmed I spent most of my Sunday's at Rube's pool hall. Yep told mom and dad I was going to church but went to Rubes. In in the fall of 1979 I was in serious trouble with drinking. A young girl started witnessing to me. About a year after that from a long weekend of drinking I woke up vomiting blood all over the place. It was that day that I took all of the alcohol and cigarrettes out of my house and I quit cold turkey. It wasn't until about 5 years ago that I ever had a drink. Today I may have maybe a total of 12 beers a year. A year after I tossed the alcohol and cigarrettes I accepted the Lord as my Saviour. I joined a small group called "Plymouth Brethern" My wife and I was with them for about two years and because we moved started going to a Baptist Church. We consider ourselves Non Denominationaly and have never ever officially joined any Church.

As for politics, I will vote either way but mostly Republican. The most important thing in my life is Abortion and I vote to it. I beleive Life Starts at Conception. Don't try to change my view or mind on it cause you won't.

I was born and raised Roman Catholic to the extreme.
Taught by the sisters of Notre Dame (yikes!), (as well as tutoured by the Dominicans while moving around the globe during my years as a Navy brat).
We settled here in Ohio when I was 12 and I attended Catholic school until graduation.

There was a time in my 30s where I questioned the faith in my first marriage.
So I stopped going to Mass for reasons more than just having a hard time grasping my feelings for the church. I was in a messed up marriage to a cheating dog, so I stopped attending with him.
After we split and the marriage was annulled, I was free to go back again and receive the sacraments, after I made a long confession and spoke several times with a priest.

Then my late hubby and I married at a registry office in England, then later had our marriage blessed at St. Francis Assisi church in Morley, England.
Right now, I can't claim to be the best Catholic, but I try.
It's something that gives me strength and sustains me when I need it.
Still pray my rosary when I feel inspired to do so, have all the religious "things" around the house, go to Mass during the holidays, yadda yadda.
I love God, I think Jesus rocks, the Blessed Mother has gotten me out of more than one jam and my patron saint.. "the little flower -Therese of Lisieux, has never let me down when I've turned to her with a novena ;)

As for my politics- I was raised in a home full of Democrats, voted Republican when I reached the voting age (Reagan).. my last vote was cast for Bush in '88.
There you have it CB.. and you knew I wouldn't be brief:hide: hehe
As far as religion goes I wasn't raised in any particular church.....I was the oldest of 5 kids and we went to what ever church that sent a bus around to pick us up. Both my parents were raised in abusive dysfunctional homes so they weren’t church goers. The only bad part about being a little girl in church alone is it makes her the target for child molesters. Because we migrated a lot I was always in a different church or different religion. I came to the conclusion there are perverts in every religion. I still to this day don’t trust men or their sincere intentions in church. As a kid I always believed there was a God, but after a few of “life’s hard lessons” I became angry, and questioned that loving God I believed was always there watching over me with love. I have learned to hate the phrase “God never puts more on you than you can handle” I know he does, and how I choose to learn from the experience is what molds me to be more like him. I know he has put so much on some they commit suicide rather than handle it. So where is that not giving us more than we can handle? So....I believe in a God and a more peaceful place after we endure our hell here. I don’t believe any one person or religion has all the answers. As long as you believe in God and respect mankind I don’t care what rules you use to get there.
The first time I voted was for Reagan. It’s funny how he was revered and loved as one of our best role model presidents in his death, and towards the end of his second presidency people were ready for a change. So much so they chose Jimmy Carter :yum: I just hope we don’t repeat that mistake and choose Obama.
I guess you can call me on the fence as to weather I’m Republican or Democrat. I’m registered Democrat so I can vote in our hometown and county elections. I’m voting Republican this term because Obama scares the hell outta me. There is NOTHING about him that shows him to be a proud American. I think you would have to at least be that if you want to be America’s leader.
Never baptized but went to Presbyterian church sporadically growing up. My grandfather (step, not blood) had the biggest influence on me when it came to religion. He was an atheist bordering on agnostic (WWII convinced him there was no God). I consider myself agnostic because I'm unsure. I want to believe but my biggest hangup is when I think of the bad God has let happen to the innocent. It totally destroys the concept of religion. How does the Lord let little girls get raped, good people get cancer and suffering happen worldwide.

My political belief is based on my views only, really no influence. I have always voted Republican, never saw the positive to a Democratic view.
I've worked all my life and feel nobody is entitled to my fortune. As most know, guns are important to me. I hunted a lot in my youth and am comfortable around them. I will never support a gun law. They are a tool for survival and enjoyment.. PERIOD. Could be feeding the family, self defense or plinking. The government has no business in my business BUT I will support government for stability. I'm really tired of supporting those that wish not to help themselves and blame anybody but themselves for their plight. If you want better in America you can find the help to better yourself.

Damn, this is just scratching the surface ............
I want to believe but my biggest hangup is when I think of the bad God has let happen to the innocent. It totally destroys the concept of religion. How does the Lord let little girls get raped, good people get cancer and suffering happen worldwide.
I wish I had an answer for you. It's exactly the same thing I have asked. I just wanted to acknowledged what you said. It's close to my heart.
I was baptized as a child in a Presbyterian church. I grew up going to a Presbyterian church, however, I never did like attending church. Once I was old enough to work, I got a job which got me out of going to church on sundays. LIke some of the other members here, I too believe in a God and a more peaceful place after we leave this one. I have a big issue with churches, since some many of the people attending church are the same people killing, torturing, raping, etc childern and other humans. I can't stand to listen to someone tell me how to live my life and judge me when they are commiting the same "sins" or worse. Sometimes I think church is alot like some western bars. People dress up and play the part for the event. But as I said, I have my own beliefs in god.

I’m registered Democrat, but personally I don't think either party is worth much. I consider myself to be on the fence, I agree with certain things from each party. I haven't quite decided which party to vote for this election.
Oooo.......the religon part is a heated one for me. I was born into a catholic home, went to a catholic school in grade school doing all the catholic rituals such as baptism, first communion, confession, confirmation etc. But it wasn't really "doing it" for me. Never felt whole or accepted in the catholic religion. It also didn't help matters going to a catholic school and constantly being put down and discriminated against by a few of the teachers. As I mentioned in the "First day of school" thread, I was in a pretty bad accident just before starting school. It seems that a few of the teachers felt it necesarry to treat me like an outcast and a cripple because of it. I remember trying out for the basketball team in grade school. I was pretty good at it. Better than some of the other kids actually. But, when it came time to go on a tournement, the gym teacher would not allow me to go telling me in front of everyone that I was a "cripple" and that I was no good. That always stuck with me. Anyways, back to the question at hand. As I got older, I began going to another non-denominational church with a friend of mine. Eventually, I was re-baptized as a testement to my faith. So now, I don't consider myself to be a catholic anymore but a christian who believes in God.

As for the politics part, I don't pay much attention to politics as I feel that they are all like lawyers........you know they are lying when their mouths are open and words are coming out.
Thanks for participating everyone! And thanks for respecting the rules and each other!

I think it's great to learn about our membership in a non threatening way, and I believe it will enhance our discussions in other areas.

Who's next?
Sometimes I think church is alot like some western bars. People dress up and play the part for the event. But as I said, I have my own beliefs in god.

I hear you loud and clear, Citygirl. However, let me ask you this; Who goes to the hospital? Is people who feel just fine and have no problems? Of course, the answer is "No".
Church is like a "hospital" for spiritually sick people. They should be coming for spiritual healing.
However, as you said, many of them are just there to play a part, make an appearance, and let everybody see their shiny, new, Escalades in the parking lot. In the end, God sorts out who is there for the right reasons. It's that belief alone that keeps me from becoming physically ill when I go to Church.
I hear you loud and clear, Citygirl. However, let me ask you this; Who goes to the hospital? Is people who feel just fine and have no problems? Of course, the answer is "No".
Church is like a "hospital" for spiritually sick people. They should be coming for spiritual healing.
However, as you said, many of them are just there to play a part, make an appearance, and let everybody see their shiny, new, Escalades in the parking lot. In the end, God sorts out who is there for the right reasons. It's that belief alone that keeps me from becoming physically ill when I go to Church.

Hey Tnuts, you're quoting cowgirl, not CityGirl. :bonk:

Next, no debating points here, OK? We are not arguing, we are sharing our stories. Let members share their stories absent ALL comments except positive reinforcement and encouragement.

This is an amnesty thread guys. Lets respect each other. .....Please?
This is a great thread! I have only had a chance to read the first few replies and I have to get headed out of my hotel room, but I WILL read the rest tonight and reply with a real answer. I would think that CB has never seen anything likes the reps he should be getting right now.
I would think that CB has never seen anything likes the reps he should be getting right now.

You'd think, but nope. Everybody's cheapin' out on the rep points except for a couple of folks so far. :cry:

Rep points are cool, but I'd really like to see more individual stories.
You'd think, but nope. Everybody's cheapin' out on the rep points except for a couple of folks so far. :cry:

Rep points are cool, but I'd really like to see more individual stories.

I can't give you any rep points right now, it says I have to spread them around. Hey everyone thanks for following CB's wishes and keeping this thread civil.

And for those of you that have not posted please do. I would like to hear from more of you also.
OK. Back as promised.

I was born a Methodist to parents from Methodist families. My parents didn't and still don't go to Church much. My late great-grandmother was a almost a matriarch of sorts in our Church. I spent a LOT of time with her growing up and a LOT of time in Church. I graduated from a 4 year liberal arts college that happens to be Presbyterian. I am a very liberal Christian. I believe in God the Father, but I don't believe her cares how you get there so long as you do. I have a biology degree that was very heavy in A & P. The human body could not have just "happened." That may be a strange basis for faith and not the one that He intended, but hey, it's how I feel.

Politics... is based partly on religious beliefs, but mostly personal feelings and opinion. I am a registered Republican and tend to vote party lines, but not entirely. I am a very liberal conservative, with very strong feelings against a lot of what the democratic party wants to shove down our throats.
Both parents were Southern Baptist. Was always pushing the envelope when I was a kid, would want to know how Tyrannosaurus Rex fit in with Adam and Eve. Was told the dinosaur bones were planted here by the devil to throw us off of Jesus... Didn't buy it. When I was Baptized, was about eight years old, most people got dunked and up, the Rev held me under for about a min. until I just about bit his hand....

Never was much for organized religion and after going to some bad places in the world where there don't seem to be any God, or he forgot about them, I found it pretty hard to believe in any one "Religion" as having the "Inside Track".

There is some religions I feel are truly a "Cancer" on the world, and will someday be the cause of a nuclear global war that will in time take out most of the planet's population centers...

I believe in a God as in "something" after here and the afterlife more of a ladder where you go as you have done in life with "Heaven" being at the top rung and "Hell" more as at the bottom, but not in the "man made" versions of Black and White, will have to wait to find out.... Have no problems with others believing the way they do, as long as it don't harm my family or myself...
Belief in God, Jesus, And the Holy Ghost

I was born into a Church of God family with a very wise Father. Part of
the time they had "Fire and brimstone" preachers, then seminitary
preachers. I left after 30 + yrs and a divorce, my choice. I've attended
a number of Churchs , but the one I remember the most was a inter-
denomational(sp) and I remember the service the Holy Ghost came
to visit. 95% of what God wants us to do is written in the "Bible".
If you have trouble finding what you are looking for get a copy of
"Strong's Concordance" which list every scripture by subject.
I've been through divorce, my attudie torward women is positive.
Here is the story about my wife and me and divine intervention.
Eight years before we met Carol went to a fortian(sp) teller.
Carol was divorced at the time. The FT told her the 3 initials
of her next husband and he would have an ego like no other.
Eight yrs later I come along and while helping her move in to
her apt. I stop to ask her a question. The Lord said to me "She
has what you are looking for". We took the time to work through
a relationship, not easy, 10 yrs. and the rest is history. :clap::clap::clap:


When I went to register and was ask which party ? I said Democrat.
Now I will vote either way :whistling::whistling::whistling:
I was raised Greek Carpathian Russian Orthodox when my father was stationed overseas in the service, and when he retired, ended back at the same church in the same coal mining town. Altar boy, singing Slavonic and knowing the all those “crazy Russian rituals” (as some of my friends called them) pretty good. The Catholics have nothing on us when it come to “lunch bag Sunday services”.

I didn’t find the God as I know now him until I went to Alcoholics Anonymous. The “beginning” of my “religious experience” started April 8th, 1995 (while drinking, I never lost my job, made some good money and had some great times, but I didn’t like where alcohol was taking my life very slowly over time). Point being that people can “bottom out” in different parts of their lives. For myself, I was just thankful that I didn’t end up in jail for a real long time.

Funny how Christians proclaim to follow Jesus Christ and proclaim his name, yet can reason and justify their own actions that goes directly against what Christ taught (gun owners being a prime example).

On that note, I’m a hypocrite and sinner, but I at least realize it.

On politics, I’d guess now you could consider me a liberal conservative. I usually vote Republican when having the choice, not that I had to like some of the votes I made.

I try not to get so blinded by my political beliefs (like religious beliefs) that I can’t see the trees through the forest, and always at least try to understand that with which I disagree with.

As mentioned, when a politician is talking, he’s usually lying. Can’t blame ‘em though all the time. Perhaps we, as their constituents demand the snake oil, and the only way the snake oil can be delivered is by “stretching the truth” and telling us what we want to hear at the time.

Sometimes when the majority rules, it sucks.

That said, we have the best country and government in this world, even for all of our shortcomings.

Somehow I missed your contribution to this thread, but two-weeks later -Thanks for sharing!

I know reps don't mean anything to you, but I'm giving you some anyway.

Anybody else want to step up and share?

Somehow I missed your contribution to this thread, but two-weeks later -Thanks for sharing!

I know reps don't mean anything to you, but I'm giving you some anyway.

Anybody else want to step up and share?

I did too CB! I am glad I looked deep enough into the new posts that I have not seen to find it. :thumb: