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home video cam install


Bronze Member
I bought a sumba PTZ camera 25 power

and am learning about it.
it will go on my property and maybe one more.
as a temporary install is it safe to use a 3 ft pole tied above my chimney? we get 50+mph wind during the winter at times.

it is about 2lbs.
i have two cams going now. the 300ft from my barn i used a powerline kit. you use an electrical outlet and pick it up at the house. it even has sound. i heard a heifer rubbing on the barn. i know,i'm boring the hell out of ya.
the house one during a test was triggered by the pizza delivery guy on my driveway and it followed him until he left the pizza on the porch and drove out. the smartphone setup is next. manual isn't to clear on some things. sunba ptz is the name
the surveillance /security cams are working good. one at my house turns on and follows if a set spot is set and crossed.this is one of my pastures with intruders at about 8 power. photobucket just did an upgrade and it looks like i need to do some learinng. sorry for the size.