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home built Tank ?


New member
I guess crazy people think alike. I've got the hydrostatic guts from an old Dixon ZTR mower which I was planning on using to retrofit into a PasseParTout. My project got sidelined when I picked up a couple SkiDozers instead. The PasseParTout is getting restored as original, and then I plan to sell it.

Nice choice of engine too.

BTW, I like the guy's headgear. Nothing says "nuts" like a helmet.

MNoutdoors RIP

Gone But Not Forgotten
GOLD Site Supporter
I guess crazy people think alike. I've got the hydrostatic guts from an old Dixon ZTR mower which I was planning on using to retrofit into a PasseParTout. My project got sidelined when I picked up a couple SkiDozers instead. The PasseParTout is getting restored as original, and then I plan to sell it.

Nice choice of engine too.

BTW, I like the guy's headgear. Nothing says "nuts" like a helmet.

Hear is a little one we built for a guy that harvests spruce tops for christmas trees he wanted small and light it had to be under 1500 pounds to use on state swamp land it used ZTR pumps and wheel motors not a speed demon but with 45CI motors it will pull like crazy.


  • Hydro1 Front.jpg
    Hydro1 Front.jpg
    122.2 KB · Views: 627
  • Hydro1 Side.jpg
    Hydro1 Side.jpg
    123.7 KB · Views: 636


New member

Thanks for the pic. Cool little unit there.

Part of my plans was to get something I could haul a buddy in. He's got MS real bad, and lives on an island where he can't even get through the woods to see the shore. I may end up just building something purpose-built to do it. I was hoping to go electric, so he won't bother folks.

The hydro motors I have are Sundstrand BDU-10L units. I'm open to any creative input/s folks might have to offer.


MNoutdoors RIP

Gone But Not Forgotten
GOLD Site Supporter

Thanks for the pic. Cool little unit there.

Part of my plans was to get something I could haul a buddy in. He's got MS real bad, and lives on an island where he can't even get through the woods to see the shore. I may end up just building something purpose-built to do it. I was hoping to go electric, so he won't bother folks.

The hydro motors I have are Sundstrand BDU-10L units. I'm open to any creative input/s folks might have to offer.


I think those are 10CC pumps you can drive them with are belt just need to make sure your rotation is correct we used a 26HP vertical shaft motor and belt drove the pumps.

Do you know what the max psi is on those? the lower the psi you get the bigger the motor you must use to get torque. PSI= HP GPM=Speed
Top speed on the little one we built maybe 4MPH but he has pulled two 12" white pine full length trees through a swamp with it. flat grousers like we have in the picture will do unless you want to run in the snow. we also made another set of 1.5" high grousers for the snow but they really tear up the lawn. the rear wheel on the one we built is a small tractor tire with chevron tread to keep it from spinning in the tracks total materials in the one we built
everything new 4000.00 labor about 40 hours


New member

Here's a link to the specs: http://www.sauer-danfoss.com/stellent/groups/publications/documents/product_literature/520l0935.pdf

I'm a rookie at this, but if I'm reading the specs right, the psi is rated at 150, with a max of 175.

They were originally powered by a 19hp vertical shaft motor which was connected by belt to a 90 degree differential with twin pulleys to run belts to the hydro motors.

I'd figured I could change gear ratios by changing chain sprockets between the hydro motors and the track drive sprockets, if I needed to mess with the torque/speed.

Out of curiosity, what did you use for track belt, and for track guides?

MNoutdoors RIP

Gone But Not Forgotten
GOLD Site Supporter

Here's a link to the specs: http://www.sauer-danfoss.com/stellent/groups/publications/documents/product_literature/520l0935.pdf

I'm a rookie at this, but if I'm reading the specs right, the psi is rated at 150, with a max of 175.

They were originally powered by a 19hp vertical shaft motor which was connected by belt to a 90 degree differential with twin pulleys to run belts to the hydro motors.

I'd figured I could change gear ratios by changing chain sprockets between the hydro motors and the track drive sprockets, if I needed to mess with the torque/speed.

Out of curiosity, what did you use for track belt, and for track guides?

Those pressures are most likely in bar which is the weight of one of our atmosheres
14.7 psi roughly or 2175-2538 psi the ones we used were 2500-3400 the lower rating is for continuous use the high number is intermittent use

we used 2 ply 220piw belt used for the cold and made the tire guides we do a 2 bolt overlap splice on the little machines
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MNoutdoors RIP

Gone But Not Forgotten
GOLD Site Supporter
PHP = q p / 1714 (1)


PHP = horsepower (HP)

q = required pump capacity (gpm)

p = required pressure (psi)
•1 gpm (US) =6.30888x10-5 m3/s = 0.227 m3/h = 0.06309 dm3(litre)/s = 2.228x10-3 ft3/s = 0.1337 ft3/min = 0.8327 gpm (UK)
•1 psi (lb/in2) = 144 psf (lbf/ft2) = 6,894.8 Pa (N/m2) = 6.895x10-3 N/mm2 = 6.895x10-2 bar
•1 hp = 745.7 W

Example - Hydraulic Pump

Power required by a a pump with 20 gpm capacity and 1500 psi pressure can be calculated as

PHP = 20 (gpm) 1500 (psi) / 1714

Here is a example for hp to run a pump

At 10CC your pump would be .61 cu inch per pump per rev or 1.22(2 pumps on motor load ) Ci per rev
times say 3200 rpm =3904 ci / 231 ci (Gallon) 16.90 gallons at max stroke of pump times 2538(max psi ) =42893/ 1714 = 25 hp


New member
Hear is a little one we built for a guy that harvests spruce tops for christmas trees he wanted small and light it had to be under 1500 pounds to use on state swamp land it used ZTR pumps and wheel motors not a speed demon but with 45CI motors it will pull like crazy.

Would like something like this but would rather set down in instead of on top. Good looking machine.


New member
built a minature bully out of a dixie chopper mower and over the tire tracks for a polaris 6x6. works great, tons of power. wish my tracks where a bit longer as i put a blade on the front and full aux hydros and without the drag on the back to balance it out it bucks pretty good boondocking thru the snow.(over rucks and such).

Notes to anyone building one:
long track base
put a skid plate on it to protect/keep drive belts dry. my machine loves snow...but hates deep fluffy snow that manages to get up into the belts. i didnt really want skidplates for ease of servicing.
if your doing a full off build like the tank...protect the belts and keep em warm and make sure belt replacement and tensioning can be done trailside!!!
didnt realize my drive pully had been cracked and re welded. burned up 2 drive belts 2 miles from home!! not fun to do on your back in the snow with melting snow dripping on you.
also make sure track adjustments can be done easily...mine is a pain to change out tires. its easier to deflate all tires for removal then it is to adjust track.
have fun and good luck on your builds guys!


New member
Thanks for this input. I've still got the Dixon hydro motors sitting around. This might just be the spur needed to get things moving again. Any pictures available?