For those members in the Northeast or Northwest, keep your eye open for this plant (picture below). I just found 2 patches of it in our area one of which is about 200' away from my yard.
It's big and it's nasty. It's an invasive species and considered a noxious weed (I think) nationwide.
It can also be very dangerous if you have contact with it. Picture below
Excerpt from Wikipedia:
Giant Hogweed is a phototoxic plant. Its sap can cause phytophotodermatitis (severe skin inflammations) when the skin is exposed to sunlight or to UV-rays. Initially the skin colours red and starts itching. Then blisters form as in burns within 48 hours. They form black or purplish scars that can last several years. Hospitalisation may be necessary.
What it looks like:
What it does to your skin:
It's big and it's nasty. It's an invasive species and considered a noxious weed (I think) nationwide.
It can also be very dangerous if you have contact with it. Picture below
Excerpt from Wikipedia:
Giant Hogweed is a phototoxic plant. Its sap can cause phytophotodermatitis (severe skin inflammations) when the skin is exposed to sunlight or to UV-rays. Initially the skin colours red and starts itching. Then blisters form as in burns within 48 hours. They form black or purplish scars that can last several years. Hospitalisation may be necessary.
What it looks like:

What it does to your skin: